Calilasseia: Mega post 1: Irreducible Complexity

Incl. intelligent design, belief in divine creation

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Calilasseia: Mega post 1: Irreducible Complexity

#1  Postby hackenslash » Mar 18, 2010 3:41 am

Originally posted by Calilasseia at RDF

Oh dear, so many canards, so little time.

Let's deal with some of these canards in detail, shall we?

I'm having to split this post into two parts, because of the upper size limit on posts. This is Part 1.

First of all, let's nail the stupidity that is "irreducible complexity", and the farcical notion that the bacterial flagellum somehow could not have arisen via evolution.

"Irreducible complexity" as proposed by Behe et al is a canard. It has been known to be a canard for over six decades. The evolutionary biologist Hermann Joseph Müller alighted upon the idea as far back as 1918, and proposed it not as a problem for evolutionary biology, but as a natural outcome of evolutionary processes. The relevant paper is this one:

Genetic Variability, Twin Hybrids and Constant hybrids in a Case of Balanced Lethal Factors by Hermann Joseph Müller, Genetics, 3(5): 422-499 (1918)

I cite from the paper, downloadable from here as follows (starting at the bottom of page 464):

Hermann Joseph Müller wrote:Most present-day animals are the result of a long process of evolution, in which at least thousands of mutations must have taken place. Each new mutant in turn must have derived its survival value from the effect upon which it produced upon the 'reaction system' that had been brought into being by the many previously formed factors in cooperation; thus, a complicated machine was gradually built up whose effective working was dependent upon the interlocking action of very numerous different elementary parts or factors, and many of the characters and factors which, when new, were originally merely an asset finally became necessary because other necessary characters and factors had subsequently become changed so as to be dependent upon the former. It must result, in consequence, that a dropping out of, or even a slight change in any one of these parts is very likely to disturb fatally the whole machinery.

In other words, "irreducible complexity" was arrived at by Müller before Behe was born and was posited by Müller not as a problem for evolution, but as a natural outcome of evolutionary processes. The so-called "Müllerian Two Step" is summarised succinctly as follows:

[1] Add a component;

[2] Make it necessary.

This was placed upon a rigorous footing by Müller himself, along with others such as Fisher, by the 1930s, and so Behe didn't even find a gap for his purported god to fit into. Biologists have known that Behe's "irreducible complexity" nonsense has been errant nonsense for six decades.

As for the bacterial flagellum, the idea that this could not have evolved is nonsense, pure and simple.

Those nice people over at TalkRational pointed me to a very interesting blog. Namely the blog of Mark Pallen, who was co-author with Nick Matzke of at least one peer reviewed paper in Nature on the bacterial flagellum (and indeed probably wrote more - I just happen to be aware of the one I have saved to my hard drive). That paper is the following one:

From The Origin Of Species To The Origin Of Bacterial Flagella by Mark J. Pallen & Nicholas J. Matzke, Nature Reviews Microbiology, 4(10): 784-790 (October 2006).

I shall return to this paper shortly, but first, a little preamble is needed.

For those unfamiliar with the background, Nick Matzke was the author of an interesting article, namely this one, which hypothesised that the various proteins that are found in the bacterial flagellum would be found to be homologous with other proteins belonging to other metabolic systems, and that as a consequence, the bacterial flagellum would eventually be found to be the result of co-opting existing, earlier systems and re-using them for another purpose - a classic evolutionary process. Needless to say, a lot of noise was emitted by the ID brigade to the effect that Matzke's ideas were "speculation", and the rest of it, but, the point here is that Matzke made testable predictions in his article, and in doing so provided evolutionary biologists with real substance that they could pursue in the laboratory. The following quote from the abstract of Matzke's original paper is apposite:

Matkze, 2001 wrote:A new model is proposed based on two major arguments. First, analysis of dispersal at low Reynolds numbers indicates that even very crude motility can be beneficial for large bacteria. Second, homologies between flagellar and nonflagellar proteins suggest ancestral systems with functions other than motility. The model consists of six major stages: export apparatus, secretion system, adhesion system, pilus, undirected motility, and taxis-enabled motility. The selectability of each stage is documented using analogies with present-day systems. Conclusions include: (1) There is a strong possibility, previously unrecognized, of further homologies between the type III export apparatus and F1F0-ATP synthetase. (2) Much of the flagellum’s complexity evolved after crude motility was in place, via internal gene duplications and subfunctionalization. (3) Only one major system-level change of function, and four minor shifts of function, need be invoked to explain the origin of the flagellum; this involves five subsystem-level cooption events. (4) The transition between each stage is bridgeable by the evolution of a single new binding site, coupling two pre-existing subsystems, followed by coevolutionary optimization of components. Therefore, like the eye contemplated by Darwin, careful analysis shows that there are no major obstacles to gradual evolution of the flagellum.

Now, note that specific predictions were made with respect to the homologies involved, namely that homologies would be found between flagellar proteins and those of the Type 3 Secretory System, plus an enzyme called F1F0-ATP synthetase. I'll leave the latter enzyme aside for a moment, but return to it because this one turns out to play an important role. Stay tuned for the fun revelations!

Now, first of all, the paper from Nature Reviews Microbiology I cited above by Matzke & Pallen itself dispenses wholesale with the idea of the bacterial flagellum being "irreducibly complex", because, lo and behold, there are bacteria with flagella that are missing numerous components. From that paper, I copy the following details with respect to the presence or absence of specific flagellar proteins in various bacteria possessing flagella:

FlgA (P ring) - Absent from Gram-Positive bacteria
FlgBCFG (Rod) - universal
FlgD (Hook) - universal
FlgE (Hook) - universal
FlgH (L Ring) - Absent from Gram-Positive bacteria
FlgI (P Ring) - Absent from Gram-Positive bacteria
FlgJ (Rod) - FlgJ Rod N-terminal domain absent from some systems
FlgK (Hook-Filament Junction) - universal
FlgL (Hook-Filament Junction) - universal
FlgM (Cytoplasm & Exterior) - Absent from Caulobacter
FlgN (Cytoplasm) - Undetectable in some systems
FlhA (T3SS apparatus) - universal
FlhB (T3SS apparatus) - universal
FlhDC (Cytoplasm) - Absent from many systems
FlhE (Unknown) - Mutant retains full motility
FliA (Cytoplasm) - Absent from Caulobacter
FliB (Cytoplasm) - Absent from Escherichia coli
FliC (Filament) - universal
FliD (Filament) - Absent from Caulobacter
FliE (Rod/Basal Body) - universal
FliF (T3SS apparatus) - universal
FliG (Peripheral) - universal
FliH (T3SS apparatus) - Mutant retains some motility
FliI (T3SS apparatus) - universal
FliJ (Cytoplasm) - Undetectable in some systems
FliK (Hook/Basal Body) - universal
FliL (Basal body) - Mutant retains full motility
FliM (T3SS apparatus) - universal
FliN (T3SS apparatus) - universal
FliO (T3SS apparatus) - Undetectable in some systems
FliP (T3SS apparatus) - universal
FliQ (T3SS apparatus) - universal
FliR (T3SS apparatus) - universal
FliS (Cytoplasm) - Absent from Caulobacter
FliT (Cytoplasm) - Absent from many systems
FliZ (Cytoplasm) - Absent from many systems
MotA (Inner membrane) - universal
MotB (Inner membrane) - universal

So, the mere fact that there are in existence bacteria with missing proteins from the above list whose flagella still function rather makes a mockery of the "irreducible complexity" assertion to begin with. But, this is only part of the story. The same paper continues with the following:

Pallen & Matzke, 2006 wrote:Many paths to motility

Although the evolution by random mutation and natural selection of something as complex as a contemporary bacterial flagellum might, in retrospect, seem highly improbable, it is important to appreciate that probabilities should be assessed by looking forward not back2. For example, from studies on protein design it is clear that creating proteins from scratch that, like flagellin, self-assemble into filaments is not very difficult39,40. Furthermore, it is clear that there are many other filamentous surface structures in bacteria that show no apparent evolutionary relationship to bacterial flagella41,42. In other words, there are plenty of potential starting points for the evolution of a molecular propeller. Evolution of something like the flagellar filament is therefore far less surprising than it might at first seem. In fact, microorganisms have adopted other routes to motility besides the bacterial flagellum43. Most strikingly, although archaeal flagella superficially resemble bacterial flagella, in that they too are rotary structures driven by a proton gradient, they are fundamentally distinct from their bacterial counterparts in terms of protein composition and assembly.

Intermediate forms

What about intermediate forms between bacterial flagella and other biological entities? Darwin encountered a similar argument about gaps in the fossil record, and in response he pointed out how improbable fossilization was, so that little of any extinct biosphere could ever be expected to appear in the fossil record14. Although fossils are of no use in reconstructing flagellar evolution, similar arguments might be made at the molecular level. Despite a decade of bacterial genome sequencing, we have scarcely begun to sample the molecular diversity of the biosphere. Yet even with the scant coverage of genome sequence data to date, several curiosities have already been revealed. For example, there is growing evidence that flagellin and the flagellar filament are homologous to the NF T3SS protein EspA and the EspA filament, respectively35,44–48. The EspA filament therefore provides a model for how the ancestral flagellar filament might have functioned for purposes other than locomotion (adhesion or targeted protein secretion). Furthermore, the EspA protein from E. coli initially seemed to be one of a kind. However, thanks to genome sequencing, related proteins have been identified in several bacteria occupying diverse niches, including: S. typhimurium, Edwardsiella ictaluri, Shewanella baltica, Chromobacterium violaceum, Yersinia frederiksenii, Yersinia bercovieri and Sodalis glossinidius. In addition, proteins that resemble flagellar components but that are encoded in the genomes of bacteria that do not engage in flagellar motility have also been identified. The first example of these potential ‘missing links’ came from the chlamydias49. More recently, flagellar-related genes have been detected in the genome of the soil bacterium Myxococcus xanthus, which uses gliding rather than flagellar motility35. It seems likely that other examples of potential evolutionary intermediaries will be found as we sequence an increasing proportion of the biosphere.

The paper continues with:

Pallen & Matzke, 2006 wrote:Towards a plausible evolutionary model

From the above discussions of sequence homologies and modularity, it is clear that designing an evolutionary model to account for the origin of the ancestral flagellum requires no great conceptual leap. Instead, one can envisage the ur-flagellum arising from mergers between several modular subsystems: a secretion system built from proteins accreted around an ancient ATPase, a filament built from variants of two initial proteins, a motor built from an ion channel and a chemotaxis apparatus built from pre-existing regulatory domains (FIG. 1). As we have seen, each of these function in a modular fashion and share ancestry with simpler systems — thereby answering the question ‘what use is half a flagellum?’ Furthermore, it is not hard to envisage how an ancestral crude and inefficient flagellum, if it conferred any motility at all, could function as the starting material for natural selection to fashion today’s slicker flagellar apparatus.

However, one could still question how, from such bricolage, natural selection could lock on to an evolutionary trajectory leading to an organelle of motility in the first place, when none of the components alone confer the organism with a selective advantage relevant to motility. The key missing concept here is that of exaptation, in which the function currently performed by a biological system is different from the function performed while the adaptation evolved under earlier pressures of natural selection50. For example, a bird’s feathers might have originally arisen in the context of selection for, say, heat control, and only later have been used to assist with flight51,52. Under this argument, a number of slight but decisive functional shifts occurred in the evolution of the flagellum, the most recent of which was probably a shift from an organelle of adhesion or targeted secretion, such as the EspA filament, to a curved structure capable of generating a propulsive force.

Now, as a slight tangential diversion, which along the way provides yet more evidence for evolutionary hypotheses, one avenue of attack being considered with respect to the development of the bacterial flagellum is the reconstruction of earlier, more ancient versions of the proteins responsible for the construction of this structure. Precedents already exist with respect to the reconstruction of ancient genes, and the following four papers are examples thereof:

Crystal Structure Of An Ancient Protein: Evolution By Conformational Epistasis by Eric A. Ortlund, Jamie T. Bridgham, Matthew R. Redinbo and Joseph W. Thornton, Science, 317: 1544-1548 (14 September 2007)

Resurrecting Ancient Genes: Experimental Analysis Of Extinct Molecules by Joseph W. Thornton, Nature Reviews: Genetics, 5: 366-375 (5 May 2004)

Resurrection Of DNA Function In Vivo From An Extinct Genome by Andrew J. Pask, Richard R. Behringer and Marilyn B. Renfree, PLoS One, 3(5): e2240 (online version, May 2008)

The Past As The Key To The Present: Resurrection Of Ancient Proteins From Eosinophils by Steven A. Benner, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA., 99(8): 4760-4761 (16 April 2002)

From the paper by Pask et al above, we have:

Pask et al, 2008 wrote:

There is a burgeoning repository of information available from ancient DNA that can be used to understand how genomes have evolved and to determine the genetic features that defined a particular species. To assess the functional consequences of changes to a genome, a variety of methods are needed to examine extinct DNA function. We isolated a transcriptional enhancer element from the genome of an extinct marsupial, the Tasmanian tiger (Thylacinus cynocephalus or thylacine), obtained from 100 year-old ethanol-fixed tissues from museum collections. We then examined the function of the enhancer in vivo. Using a transgenic approach, it was possible to resurrect DNA function in transgenic mice. The results demonstrate that the thylacine Col2A1 enhancer directed chondrocyte-specific expression in this extinct mammalian species in the same way as its orthologue does in mice. While other studies have examined extinct coding DNA function in vitro, this is the first example of the restoration of extinct non-coding DNA and examination of its function in vivo. Our method using transgenesis can be used to explore the function of regulatory and protein-coding sequences obtained from any extinct species in an in vivo model system, providing important insights into gene evolution and diversity.

So scientists are already resurrecting ancient proteins and testing their functionality in model organisms. Indeed, one of the results in the scientific literature comes courtesy of this paper:

Resurrecting The Ancestral Steroid Receptor: Ancient Origin Of Oestrogen Signalling by J.W. Thornton, E. Need and D. Crews, Science, 301: 1714-1717 (2003)

in which the scientists determined that the modern receptors for steroid hormones in modern organisms are traceable to an ancestral receptor dating back 600 million years, and reconstructed the ancestral steroid receptor in the laboratory to determine that it worked.

So, given that precedents already exist for the successful reconstruction of ancient proteins and the genes coding for them, this avenue of attack is likely to prove highly instructive with respect to the bacterial flagellum. Indeed, Pallen & Matzke make this very observation in their paper:

Pallen & Matzke, 2006 wrote:But obviously, one cannot model millions of years of evolution in a few weeks or months. So how might such studies be conducted? One option might be to look back in time. It is feasible to use phylogenetic analyses to reconstruct plausible ancestral sequences of modern-day proteins, and then synthesize and investigate these ancestral proteins. Proof of principle for this approach has already been demonstrated on several NF proteins69–75. Similar studies could recreate plausible ancestors for various flagellar components (for example, the common ancestor of flagellins and HAP3 proteins). These proteins could then be reproduced in the laboratory in order to examine their properties (for example, how well they self-assemble into filaments and what those filaments look like). An alternative, more radical, option would be to model flagellar evolution prospectively, for example, by creating random or minimally constrained libraries and then iteratively selecting proteins that assemble into ever more sophisticated artificial analogues of the flagellar filament. Another experimental option might be to investigate the environmental conditions that favour or disfavour bacterial motility. The fundamental physics involved (diffusion due to Brownian motion) is mathematically tractable, and has already been used to predict, for example, that powered motility is useless in very small bacteria76,77.

However, let us move on to the more recent developments.

Now, back in 2006, Pallen & Matzke listed some known homologies, and once again, I reproduce their results from the table in the paper:

FlgA (P ring) - CpaB
FlgD (Hook) - none specified
FlgE (Hook) - FlgBCEFGK
FlgH (L Ring) - none yet known
FlgI (P Ring) - none yet known
FlgJ (Rod) - none yet known
FlgK (Hook-Filament Junction) - FlgBCEFGK
FlgL (Hook-Filament Junction) - FliC
FlgM (Cytoplasm & Exterior) - none yet known
FlgN (Cytoplasm) - none yet known
FlhA (T3SS apparatus) - LcrD/YscV
FlhB (T3SS apparatus) - YscU
FlhDC (Cytoplasm) - Other activators
FlhE (Unknown) - none specified
FliA (Cytoplasm) - RpoD, RpoH, RpoS
FliB (Cytoplasm) - none specified
FliC (Filament) - FlgL, EspA
FliD (Filament) - none yet known
FliE (Rod/Basal Body) - none yet known
FliF (T3SS apparatus) - YscJ
FliG (Peripheral) - MgtE
FliH (T3SS apparatus) - YscL, AtpFH
FliI (T3SS apparatus) - YscN, AtpD, Rho
FliJ (Cytoplasm) - YscO
FliK (Hook/Basal Body) - YscI
FliL (Basal body) - none yet known
FliM (T3SS apparatus) - FliN, YscQ
FliN (T3SS apparatus) - FliM, YscQ
FliO (T3SS apparatus) - none
FliP (T3SS apparatus) - YscR
FliQ (T3SS apparatus) - YscS
FliR (T3SS apparatus) - YscT
FliS (Cytoplasm) - none yet known
FliT (Cytoplasm) - none yet known
FliZ (Cytoplasm) - none yet known
MotA (Inner membrane) - ExbB, TolQ
MotB (Inner membrane) - ExbD, TolR, OmpA

Now, as Pallen states in his blog entry as linked above, out of this list of proteins, only two were listed as being both essential to all bacterial flagella AND possessing no known homologues in 2006. Those proteins were FliE and FlgD. From the 2006 update of Matzke's original 2003 paper, we read:

Matzke, 2003 wrote:Many of the homologous and/or inessential proteins found in Table 1 of Pallen and Matzke 2006 were cited in the 2003 paper, but the 2006 table is an authoritative update and supercedes what is said here. The important overall point, as discussed in my blog post, is that of the 42 proteins in Table 1 of Pallen and Matzke, only two proteins, FliE and FlgD, are both essential and have no identified homologous proteins. This is substantially more impressive than the situation in 2003, and means that the evidence for the evolutionary origin of the flagellum by standard gene duplication and cooption processes is even stronger than in 2003. Important specific updates include: a homolog of FlgA has been confirmed (along the lines that I suggested in 2003); FliG has no homolog in NF-T3SS or the Exb/Tol systems, rather it may be homologous to the magnesium transporter MgtE; and the flagellar filament protein FliC (and its sister FlgL) is probably homologous to EspA and other pilus proteins found in NF-T3SS. I still suspect that all of the axial proteins (including FliE and FlgD) are homologous to each other and therefore to pilus proteins in NF-T3SS, but only the confirmed homologies are reported in Pallen and Matzke 2006.

At least, this was the situation back in 2006. However, science moves on!

First, take a look at this site, which is the site devoted to ATP synthase. Now, one of the homologies that Matzke originally hypothesised was that at least one of the flagellar proteins would prove to be homologous to proteins in the ATP synthase group, in particular the awkwardly named F1F0-ATP synthetase. Now it turns out that ATP synthases are themselves complex entities, and indeed F1-ATPase rotates on an axis as it performs its synthesis! However, as this paper:

Axle-Less F1-ATPase Rotates In The Correct Direction by Shou Furuike, Mohammad Delawar Hossain, Yasushi Maki, Kengo Adachi, Toshiharu Suzuki, Ayako Kohori, Hiroyasu Itoh, Masasuke Yoshida and Kazuhiko Kinosita, Jr., Science, 319: 955-958 (No. 5865, 15 February 2008)

reveals very succinctly, dismantling this structure so that it no longer has an axle to rotate about does not stop it from functioning! Here's the abstract:

Furuike et al, 2008 wrote:F1–adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) is an ATP-driven rotary molecular motor in which the central γ subunit rotates inside a cylinder made of three α and three β subunits alternately arranged. The rotor shaft, an antiparallel α-helical coiled coil of the amino and carboxyl termini of the γ subunit, deeply penetrates the central cavity of the stator cylinder. We truncated the shaft step by step until the remaining rotor head would be outside the cavity and simply sat on the concave entrance of the stator orifice. All truncation mutants rotated in the correct direction, implying torque generation, although the average rotary speeds were low and short mutants exhibited moments of irregular motion. Neither a fixed pivot nor a rigid axle was needed for rotation of F1-ATPase.

Another blow to "irreducible complexity" (Hermann Müller would doubtless have smiled wryly over this!), but this isn't all. Returning to Pallen's blog, we find this:

Pallen, 2008 blog post wrote:Since the early 1990s, it has been known, from sequence comparisons, that the flagellar ATPase (FliI) is homologous to the alpha and beta subunits of the F-type ATPase, a transmembrane protein complex (see figure) found in bacteria, mitochondria and chloroplasts (see

In 2003, Nick Matzke (then at the NCSE and so a couple of years later science adviser to the plaintiffs in the Dover trial) wrote an essay summarising plausible evolutionary scenarios for the origin of the bacterial flagellum. He noted a couple of previous suggestions that the proto-flagellum might have originated from the F-type ATPase. Crucially, he predicted that additional homologies would be found between components of the F-type ATPase and the flagellar protein export apparatus, for example between the b subunit of the ATPase and FliH and between the delta subunit and FliJ.

In 2006, I confirmed one of Nick's hunches through homology searches, showing that part of FliH was homologous to the b subunit. However, things turned out slightly different from Nick's predictions in that FliH is actual of a fusion of domains homologous to the b subunit and the delta subunit.

Last year Namba's group published the structure of FliI and confirmed the striking homology with the F-type ATPase enzymatic subunits. At that stage in the game, it had become clear that the ATPase was a universal component not just of flagellar export systems but also of non-flagellar type III secretion systems. Also, if it was also clear that if one knocked out the gene for FliI, one abolished flagellar biosynthesis. Thus, just about everyone in the field accepted that FliI was an essential component of the flagellar apparatus and that it energised secretion of proteins through the protein export system. In other words, if there were anything to the idea, put forward by Behe and others in the ID movement, that the flagellum showed "irreducible complexity", even experts might have accepted that FliI was one of the "irreducible" components!!

BUT earlier this year, Minamino and Namba (and independently a team headed by Kelly Hughes in the US) overturned all our assumptions by showing that it was perfectly possible to make flagella without FliI--what you needed to do was knock out FliH at the same time. Somehow or other FliH, which usually interacts with FliI, gums up the export apparatus in the absence of FliI. So, bang goes another pillar of support for the ID argument! In fact, it appears that flagellar protein export is powered not primarily by the ATPase but by the proton-motive force.

So, the FliI protein appeared on the face of it to be essential, because knocking out the gene for FliI synthesis destroyed flagellar biosynthesis. But, and here's the part that really throws the spanner into "irreducible complexity" as espoused by Behe, if you knock out the gene coding for FliI, but in addition knock out the gene for FliH, flagellar biosynthesis returns! This rather buggers up "irreducible complexity" in a spectacular manner.

Yet even this is not the whole story. Believe it or not, there is more! Returning to Pallen's blog, we read:

Pallen, 2008 blog post wrote:Namba and colleagues have now solved the structure of FliJ, another protein that interacts with FliI and FliH. And what they found was clear evidence of homology with yet another protein from the F-type ATPase--the gamma subunit!

So, now we have deep and broad homologies between the flagellum and the F-type ATPase, just as Nick predicted. This provides another nail in the coffin of the idea that flagellum was intelligently designed. If the flagellum were the product of intelligent design, particularly by an omniscient deity, the designer could have custom-built it from scratch, so it need not resemble anything else in nature. By contrast, the processes of evolution tends to cobble together and tweak already existing components (something Francois Jacob called bricolage)--and slowly but steadily it is become clear that the flagellum has been built this way.

Incidentally, the paper covering the homology between FliI and the alpha and beta subunits of the F-type ATPase is this paper:

Salmonella typhimurium Mutants Defective In Flagellar Filament Regrowth And Sequence Similarity Of FliI to F0F1, Vacuolar, And Archaebacterial ATPase Subunits by Alfried P. Vogler, Michio Homma, Vera M. Irikura and Robert M. McNab, Journal of Bacteriology, 173(11): 3564-3572 (June 1991) [Full paper downloadable from here]

so this homology had actually been known even before Behe made his assertions about "irreducible complexity", something he would have known if he had bothered to perform a basic literature search. After all, he has institutional access, whereas I don't currently, yet I was able to find this paper once pointed in the right direction. This paper also covers the knocking out of the gene for FliI and the effect on flagellar biosynthesis.

More pertinently, the following paper:

Evolutionary Links Between FliH/YscL-Like Proteins From Bacterial Type III Secretion Systems And Second-Stalk Components Of The F0F1 And Vacuolar ATPases by Mark J. Pallen, Christopher M. Bailey and Scott A. Beatson, Protein Science, 15: 935-941 (2006) [Full paper downloadable from here]

is the one containing the confirmation by Pallen of one of Matzke's predictions as cited above. Another homology was confirmed courtesy of this paper:

Structural Similarity Between The Flagellar Type III ATPase FliI And F1-ATPase Subunits by Katsumi Imada, Tohru Minamino, Aiko Tahara and Keiichi Namba, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 104(2): 485-490 [Full paper downloadable from here]

This paper:

Distinct Roles Of The FliI ATPase And Proton Motive Force In Bacterial Flagellar Protein Export by Tohru Minamino and Keiichi Namba, Nature, 451: 485-489 (24th January 2008) [Full paper downloadable from here]

is the paper that covers the knocking out of FliH and FliI resulting in restoration of flagellar biosynthesis. The experimental work documented in that paper verifies the Müllerian Two Step empirically.

So, now the only two proteins remaining to find homologies for are FliE and FlgD, and you can bet that this is being worked upon as I type this.

So, another massive nail in the coffin for ID is hammered home. I'll raise a glass of claret to that. :)

So, that's that nonsense out of the way.

Next, the so-called "Cambrian explosion". Oh dear, the tiresome canards that are erected with respect to this by creationists are legion. First of all, scientists have unearthed Precambrian fossils in considerable numbers. There are numerous species of Precambrian organisms known to science. So the idea that the Cambrian pseudo-explosion was something special is not supported by the hard evidence from observational reality. Indeed, I've presented in the past the scientific paper describing Bangiomorpha pubescens, a sexually reproducing multicellular eukaryote organism that was discovered in a stratum dated to 1.2 billion years before present, almost 700 million years before the Cambrian pseudo-explosion. Let's take a look at this paper in more detail shall we?

Bangiomorpha pubescens n. Gen., n. sp., Implications For The Evolution Of Sex, Multicellularity, And The Mesoproterozoic/Neoproterozoic Radiation Of Eukaryotes by Nicholas J. Butterfield, Paleobiology, 26(3): 386-404 (7th February 2000)

Butterfield, 2000 wrote:Abstract.—Multicellular filaments from the ca. 1200-Ma Hunting Formation (Somerset Island, arctic Canada) are identified as bangiacean red algae on the basis of diagnostic cell-division patterns. As the oldest taxonomically resolved eukaryote on record Bangiomorpha pubescens n. gen. n. sp. provides a key datum point for constraining protistan phylogeny. Combined with an increasingly resolved record of other Proterozoic eukaryotes, these fossils mark the onset of a major protistan radiation near the Mesoproterozoic/Neoproterozoic boundary.

Differential spore/gamete formation shows Bangiomorpha pubescens to have been sexually reproducing, the oldest reported occurrence in the fossil record. Sex was critical for the subsequent success of eukaryotes, not so much for the advantages of genetic recombination, but because it allowed for complex multicellularity. The selective advantages of complex multicellularity are considered sufficient for it to have arisen immediately following the appearance of sexual reproduction. As such, the most reliable proxy for the first appearance of sex will be the first stratigraphic occurrence of complex multicellularity.

Bangiomorpha pubescens is the first occurrence of complex multicellularity in the fossil record. A differentiated basal holdfast structure allowed for positive substrate attachment and thus the selective advantages of vertical orientation; i.e., an early example of ecological tiering. More generally, eukaryotic multicellularity is the innovation that established organismal morphology as a significant factor in the evolutionary process. As complex eukaryotes modified, and created entirely novel, environments, their inherent capacity for reciprocal morphological adaptation, gave rise to the “biological environment” of directional evolution and “progress.” The evolution of sex, as a proximal cause of complex multicellularity, may thus account for the Mesoproterozoic/Neoproterozoic radiation of eukaryotes.

Moving on from Bangiomorpha pubescens to other organisms, Ediacaran fossils are now well known to palaeontologists. Appropriate papers on the subject include:

Anatomical Information Content In The Ediacaran Fossils And Their Possible Zoological Affinities by Jerzy Dzik, Integrative and Comparative Biology, 43(1): 114-126 (2003) [full paper downloadable from here]

Dzik, 2003 wrote:SYNOPSIS. Various modes of preservation of Ediacaran fossils in different sediments, quartz sand at Zimnie Gory in northern Russia and lime mud at Khorbusuonka in northern Yakutia, show that the sediment was liquid long after formation of the imprints and that its mineralogy did not matter. A laminated 2 mm thick microbial mat is preserved intact at Zimnie Gory. It stabilized the sediment surface allowing formation of imprints on it. The soft body impressions on the under surface of the sand bed and within it developed owing to formation of a less than 1 mm thin ‘‘death mask’’ by precipitation of iron sulfide in the sediment. Fossils of the same species or even parts of the same organism may be preserved differently. Internal organs either collapsed, their cavities being filled with sediment from above, or resisted compression more effectively than the rest of the body. This allows restoration of the original internal anatomy of Ediacaran organisms. At Zimnie Gory numerous series of imprints of Yorgia on the clay bottom surface with the collapsed body at their end represent death tracks. The environment of formation of the Ediacaran fossils was thus inhospitable to most organisms. Those adapted to it, namely the radially organized frondose Petalonamae (of possible ctenophoran affinities), anchored in the mat with their basal bulbs. They evolved towards sessile life possibly in symbiosis with photo- or chemoautotrophic microorganisms. Vagile Ediacaran organisms belong mostly to the Dipleurozoa (somewhat resembling chordates and nemerteans), characterized by a segmented dorsal hydraulic skeleton, intestine with metameric caeca, and serial gonads. Only a fraction of the actual Precambrian faunal diversity is represented in the Ediacaran biota.

Among the organisms covered in the above paper include Kimberella, Dicksonia costata, Yorgia waggoneri, Ernietta, Rangea, Pteridinium, Marywadea, Spriggina, Praecambridium, Vendia, Archaeapsis, Chondroplon and Andiva. Also mentioned is Yunnanozoon, an early Cambrian organism that is considered to have descended from one of the Ediacaran dipleurozoans. This list is incomplete (but I've provided a link to the full paper so you can download it and find the other organisms listed). Note that Yunnanozoon above is a Chordate - in other words, an organism belonging to the same taxonomic Phylum as you and I. At the time that paper was written, Yunnanozoon was considered to be the oldest known Chordate, but wait a moment, I have a nice surprise in store for you ... :)

There is also this paper:

The Ediacaran Emergence Of Bilaterans: Congruence Between The Genetic And The Geological Fossil Records by Kevin J. Peterson, James A. Cotton, James G. Gehling and Davide Pisani, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society Part B, 363: 1435-1443 (11th January 2008) [Full paper downloadable from here]

Peterson et al, 2008 wrote:Unravelling the timing of the metazoan radiation is crucial for elucidating the macroevolutionary processes associated with the Cambrian explosion. Because estimates of metazoan divergence times derived from molecular clocks range from quite shallow (Ediacaran) to very deep (Mesoproterozoic), it has been difficult to ascertain whether there is concordance or quite dramatic discordance between the genetic and geological fossil records. Here, we show using a range of molecular clock methods that the major pulse of metazoan divergence times was during the Ediacaran, which is consistent with a synoptic reading of the Ediacaran macrobiota. These estimates are robust to changes in priors, and are returned with or without the inclusion of a palaeontologically derived maximal calibration point. Therefore, the two historical records of life both suggest that although the cradle of Metazoa lies in the Cryogenian, and despite the explosion of ecology that occurs in the Cambrian, it is the emergence of bilaterian taxa in the Ediacaran that sets the tempo and mode of macroevolution for the remainder of geological time.

In other words, the "Cambrian explosion" is now regarded as a taphonomic event rather than an evolutionary one - that is, the abundance of Cambrian fossils is the result both of the presence of conditions of preservation in aquatic sediments that were not present in earlier eras, and the appearance of organisms with readily fossilisable hard tissues that were not present in earlier eras. Plus, the duration of the appearance of new animal groups within the Cambrian is regarded as a time period whose minimum duration was 5 million years, and which more recent estimates place at 18-23 milllion years, which means that these organisms hardly appeared overnight. Of course, the existence of organisms 500 million years ago does nothing to support YEC blind assertions that the entire universe is only 6,000 years old, but creationists treat science as if it were a branch of apologetics, and frequently do so in a wholly duplicitous fashion, so it shouldn't be surprising that they try to use the "Cambrian explosion" as somehow "supporting" their reality-denial masturbation fantasy of a doctrine.

And now, to the little surprise ... :)

The Museum of South Australia has 18 specimens of a fossil that is regarded as being the earliest known Chordate (namely, a member of the same taxonomic Phylum as you and I) dating from the Ediacaran (over 600 million years old). Read all about it here and here.

Oh, and as for the idea that the Cambrian pseudo-explosion was an "instantaneous" event, this too is nonsense. Scientists have stated that this event took place over a period of eighteen to twenty three million years. Which means that organisms were continually evolving during that period. Relevant scientific papers include these:

Anatomical Information Content In The Ediacaran Fossils And Their Possible Zoological Affinities by Jerzy Dzik, Integrative and Comparative Biology, 43(1): 114-126 (2003)

Can fast early rates reconcile molecular dates with the Cambrian explosion? by L.D. Bromham & M.D. Hendry, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 267: 1041-1047 (2000)

Estimating Metazoan Divergence Times With A Molecular Clock by Kevin J. Peterson, Jessica B. Lyons, Kristin S. Nowak, Carter M. Takacs, Matthew J. Wargo & Mark A. McPeek, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of America, April 2004, 101, 17, 6536-6541

Evolution of Amino Acid Frequencies in Proteins Over Deep Time: Inferred Order of Introduction of Amino Acids into the Genetic Code by Dawn J. Brooks, Jacques R. Fresco, Arthur M. Lesk, and Mona Singh, Molecular Biology and Evolution 19: 1645-1655 (2002)

Fossils, Molecules And Embryos: New Perspectives On The Cambrian Explosion by J.W. Valentine, D. Jablonski & D.H. Erwin, Development, February 1998, 126(5): 851-859

Inferring The Historical Patterns Of Biological Evolution by Mark Pagel, Nature, 401: 877-884 (28 October 1999)

Interpreting the Earliest Metazoan Fossils: What Can We Learn? by Ben Waggoner, Amer. Zool., 38: 975-982

Molecular Phylogeny of Arthropods and the Significance of the Cambrian "Explosion" for Molecular Systematics by Jerome C. Regier & Jeffrey W. Schultz, AMER. ZOOL., 38: 918-928 (1998)

Precambrian Sponges with Cellular Structures by Chia-Wen Li, Jun-Yan Chen and Tzu-En Hua, SCIENCE 279(6) February 1998

Quality of the fossil record thorugh time by M.J. Benton, M.A. Wills and R. Hitchin, Nature, 403: 534-537 (3 Feb 2000)

Sr and C isotopes in Lower Cambrian carbonates from the Siberian craton: A paleoenvironmental record during the ‘Cambrian explosion’ by L.A. Derry, M.D. Brasier, R. M. Corfield, A. Yu. Rozanov & A. Yu. Zhuralev, Earth and Planetary Science Letters 128: 671-681 (1994)

Taxonomic Congruence Versus Total Evidence, and Amniote Phylogeny Inferred from Fossils, Molecules and Morphology by Douglas J. Eernisse and Arnold G. Kluge, Molecular Biology & Evolution, 10(6): 1170-1195 (1993)

Testing the Cambrian explosion hypothesis by using a molecular dating technique by Lindell Bromham, Andrew Rambaut, Richard Fortey, Alan Cooper and David Penny, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of America, October 1998, 95: 12386-12389

The Cambrian "Explosion": Slow Fuse Or Megatonnage? by Simon Conway Morris, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of America, April 2000, 97(9): 4426-4429

The Ediacaran Biotas in Space and Time by Ben Waggoner, Integrative & Comparative Biology, 43: 104-113 (2003)

The Ediacaran Emergence Of Bilaterans: Congruence Between The Genetic And The Geological Fossil Records by Kevin J. Peterson, James A. Cotton, James G. Gehling and Davide Pisani, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society Part B, 363: 1435-1443 (11th January 2008)

The Timing Of Eukaryotic Evolution: Does A Relaxed Molecular Clock Reconcile Proteins And fossils? by Emmanuel J.P. Douzery, Elizabeth A. Snell, Eric Bapteste, Frédéric Delsuc & Hervé Philiipe, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of America, October 2004, 101, 43, 15386-15391

As for the assertion erected in this thread earlier that speciation doesn't occur, this is manifest nonsense. Once again, here is a list of relevant scientific papers documenting speciation events observed both in nature AND in the laboratory, along with theoretical papers covering speciation models:

A Model For Divergent Allopatric Speciation Of Polyploid Pteridophytes Resulting From Silencing Of Duplicate-Gene Expression by Charles R.E. Werth and Michael D. Windham, American Naturalist, 137(4): 515-526 (April 1991) - DEVELOPMENT OF A MODEL TO MATCH OBSERVED SPECIATION IN NATURE

A Molecular Reexamination Of Diploid Hybrid Speciation Of Solanum raphanifolium by David M. Spooner, Kenneth. J. Sytsma and James F. Smith, Evolution, 45(3): 757-764 - DOCUMENTATION OF AN OBSERVED SPECIATION EVENT

Chromosome Evolution, Phylogeny, And Speciation Of Rock Wallabies, by G. B. Sharman, R. L. Close and G. M. Maynes, Australian Journal of Zoology, 37(2-4): 351-363 (1991) - DOCUMENTATION OF OBSERVED SPECIATION IN NATURE

Evidence For Rapid Speciation Following A Founder Event In The Laboratory by James R. Weinberg Victoria R. Starczak and Danielle Jörg, Evolution 46: 1214-1220 (15th January 1992) - EXPERIMENTAL GENERATION OF A SPECIATION EVENT IN THE LABORATORY

Evolutionary Theory And Process Of Active Speciation And Adaptive Radiation In Subterranean Mole Rats, Spalax ehrenbergi Superspecies, In Israel by E. Nevo, Evolutionary Biology, 25: 1-125 - DOCUMENTATION OF OBSERVED SPECIATION IN NATURE

Experimentally Created Incipient Species Of Drosophila by Theodosius Dobzhansky & Olga Pavlovsky, Nature 230: 289 - 292 (2nd April 1971) - EXPERIMENTAL GENERATION OF A SPECIATION EVENT IN THE LABORATORY

Founder-Flush Speciation On Drosophila pseudoobscura: A Large Scale Experiment by Agustí Galiana, Andrés Moya and Francisco J. Alaya, Evolution 47: 432-444 (1993) EXPERIMENTAL GENERATION OF A SPECIATION EVENT IN THE LABORATORY

Pollen-Mediated Introgression And Hybrid Speciation In Louisiana Irises by Michael L. Arnold, Cindy M. Buckner and Jonathan J. Robinson, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 88(4): 1398-1402 (February 1991) - OBSERVATION OF A SPECIATION EVENT IN NATURE

Speciation By Hybridisation In Heliconius Butterflies by Jesús Mavárez, Camilo A. Salazar, Eldredge Bermingham, Christian Salcedo, Chris D. Jiggins and Mauricio Linares, Nature, 441: 868-871 (15th June 2006) - DETERMINATION OF A SPECIATION EVENT IN NATURE, FOLLOWED BY LABOARTORY REPRODUCTION OF THAT SPECIATION EVENT, AND CONFIRMATION THAT THE LABORATORY INDIVIDUALS ARE INTERFERTILE WITH THE WILD TYPE INDIVIDUALS

Speciation By Hybridization In Phasmids And Other Insects By Luciano Bullini and Guiseppe Nascetti, Canadian Journal of Zoology 68(8): 1747-1760 (1990) - OBSERVATION OF A SPECIATION EVENT IN NATURE

The Gibbons Speciation Mechanism by S. Ramadevon and M. A. B. Deaken, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 145(4): 447-456 (1991) - DEVELOPMENT OF A MODEL ACCOUNTING FOR OBSERVED INSTANCES OF SPECIATION

Indeed, I presented the Mavárez et al paper in another thread, but I'll cover that paper in detail again, since it's particularly apposite here, not least because the authors not only determined that a speciation event had taken place in the laboratory, but REPRODUCED THAT SPECIATION EVENT IN THE LABORATORY. The relevant paper, once again, is:

Speciation By Hybridisation In Heliconius Butterflies by Jesús Mavárez, Camilo A. Salazar, Eldredge Bermingham, Christian Salcedo, Chris D. Jiggins and Mauricio Linares, Nature, 441: 868-871 (15th June 2006) [Full paper downloadable from here]

Mavárez et al, 2006 wrote:Speciation is generally regarded to result from the splitting of a single lineage. An alternative is hybrid speciation, considered to be extremely rare, in which two distinct lineages contribute genes to a daughter species. Here we show that a hybrid trait in an animal species can directly cause reproductive isolation. The butterfly species Heliconius heurippa is known to have an intermediate morphology and a hybrid genome1, and we have recreated its intermediate wing colour and pattern through laboratory crosses between H. melpomene, H. cydno and their F1 hybrids. We then used mate preference experiments to show that the phenotype of H. heurippa reproductively isolates it from both parental species. There is strong assortative mating between all three species, and in H. heurippa the wing pattern and colour elements derived from H. melpomene and H. cydno are both critical for mate recognition by males.

The authors continue with:

Mavárez et al, 2006 wrote:Homoploid hybrid speciation—hybridization without change in chromosome number—is considered very rare2–4. This has been explained by the theoretical prediction that reproductive isolation between hybrids and their parents is difficult to achieve3,5,6. However, if a hybrid phenotype directly causes reproductive isolation from parental taxa, this difficulty can be overcome. Such a role for a hybrid phenotype has been convincingly demonstrated only in Helianthus sunflowers7. In animals, the evidence for homoploid hybrid speciation is less convincing. Putative hybrid species are known with mixed genomes8–11, but in these examples shared genetic variation could also be a result of introgression subsequent to a bifurcating speciation event.

Heliconius cydno and H. melpomene are two closely related species that overlap extensively in lower Mesoamerica and the Andes12. Speciation in these butterflies has not involved any change in chromosome number13 but is instead associated with shifts in colour patterns that generate both assortative mating and postzygotic isolation due to predator-mediated selection14–17. Heliconius cydno is black with white and yellow marks, whereas H. melpomene is black with red, yellow and orange marks. Both species exhibit strong positive assortative mating based on their wing colour patterns and also differ in habitat use18 and host plant preference19, but interspecific hybrids do occur at low frequency in the wild15. Heliconius heurippa has an intermediate wing pattern, which has led to the suggestion that this is a hybrid species1,20. Its hindwing is indistinguishable from that of sympatric H. m. melpomene, whereas the yellow band on its forewing is similar to that of parapatric H. cydno cordula. Ecologically, H. heurippa is most similar to H. cydno, which it replaces geographically in the eastern Andes of Colombia. Here we first establish that H. heurippa is currently genetically isolated from its putative parents and provide evidence that its genome is of hybrid origin. A Bayesian assignment analysis using 12 microsatellite loci scored in populations from Panama, Colombia and Venezuela divides H. cydno (n = 175), H. melpomene (n = 167) and H. heurippa (n = 46) individuals into three distinct clusters (Fig. 1). Hence, H. heurippa is genetically more differentiated than any geographic race sampled of either species. Moreover, analyses of polymorphism at two nuclear genes (Invected and Distal-less) show no allele sharing between H. cydno and H. melpomene, whereas the H. heurippa genome appears as an admixture, sharing allelic variation with both putative parental species (Supplementary Fig. 2, and C.S., C.D.J. and M.L., unpublished observations).

So, the authors begin by noting that the wing pattern of Heliconius heurippa is intermediate between that of local races of Heliconius melpomene and Heliconius cydno, and ask the question whether or not this is because Heliconius heurippa is a hybrid between individuals from those two races of Heliconius melpomene and Heliconius cydno. Suspicions that this might be the case were reinforced, when a genetic analysis demonstrated that certain genes present in Heliconius heurippa were admixtures of those found in Heliconius melpomene and Heliconius cydno, whilst the genes in question show NO such admixture in the other two species.

Moving on ...

Mavárez et al, 2006 wrote:To test the hypothesis of a hybrid origin for the H. heurippa colour pattern, we performed inter-specific crosses between H. cydno cordula and H. m. melpomene to reconstruct the steps of introgressive hybridization that could have given rise to H. heurippa. The colour pattern differences between H. m. melpomene and H. cydno cordula are determined largely by three co-dominant loci controlling the red and yellow bands on the forewing and the brown pincer-shaped mark on the ventral hindwing (see Fig. 2a)21,22. Most H. cydno × H. melpomene F1 hybrids seem intermediate to both parents (Fig. 2a), with both a yellow (cydno) and a red (melpomene) band in the median section of the forewing, whereas the ventral side of the hindwing shows a reduced brown mark intermediate between the parental species.

So, the authors produced some experimental crosses, and noticed that those experimental crosses produced individuals possessing wing pattern intermediate between those of the parents. However, they didn't just produce single-generation crosses, instead, they tested the effects that would arise from multiple crossings across several generations, and the results were extremely illuminating to put it mildly! But I'm jumping the gun here a little ... let's see what the authors have to reveal to us, shall we?

Mavárez et al, 2006 wrote:Female F1 hybrids resulting from crosses between H. melpomene and H. cydno are sterile in accordance with Haldane’s rule1,23, and thus only male F1 hybrids backcrossed to either H. cydno cordula or H. m. melpomene females resulted in offspring. Backcrosses to H. melpomene produced offspring very similar to pure H. m. melpomene, and further backcross generations never produced individuals with forewing phenotypes similar to H. heurippa (Fig. 2a). However, after only two generations a phenotype virtually identical to H. heurippa (Supplementary Fig. 3) was produced by backcrossing an F1 male to an H. cydno cordula female and then mating selected offspring of this cross (Fig. 2b). In offspring of crosses between these H. heurippa-like individuals the pattern breeds true, showing that they are homozygous for the red forewing band (BB) and the absence of brown hindwing marks (brbr) characteristic of H. melpomene, and similarly homozygous for the yellow forewing band (NNNN) derived from H. cydno. The pattern of these H. heurippa-like individuals also breeds true when crossed to wild H. heurippa (Fig. 2b), implying that pattern genes segregating in our crosses are homologous with those in wild H. heurippa.

Oh, now look at that for a spectacular set of results!

First of all, the authors crossed Heliconius melpomene with Heliconius cydno to produce F1 hybrids, then back-crossed the fertile males with females of each species. Back-crossing with Heliconius melpomene resulted in melpomene wing patterns reappearing, but back-crossing the F1 hybrids with Heliconius cydno to produce the F2 generation, then mating selected offspring of the F2 generation, produced individuals that were virtually identical to Heliconius heurippa!

But it gets even better. When the laboratory produced Heliconius heurippa analogues were mated to wild type Heliconius heurippa, they produced fertile offspring and the wing patterns bred true!.

These crossing experiments, as a consequence, constitute compellingly strong evidence that Heliconius heurippa resulted from a similar process occurring among hybrid butterflies in the wild. Not only did the authors reproduce the likely crossing sequence that produced Heliconius heurippa in the wild, thus providing a repeatable test of the relevant speciation mechanism, but the laboratory crosses were interfertile with the wild type Heliconius heurippa, further strengthening the hypothesis advanced by the authors.

Moving on ...

Mavárez et al, 2006 wrote:Furthermore, in a wild population of sympatric H. m. melpomene and H. cydno cordula in San Cristóbal, Venezuela, we observed natural hybrids at an unusually high frequency (8%), including some individuals very similar to our laboratory-produced H. heurippa-like butterflies (Fig. 2b). Microsatellite data show that these individuals have genotypes indistinguishable from that of H. cydno and must therefore be at least fifth-generation backcrosses (Supplementary Fig. 4). This shows that multiple generations of backcrossing can occur in the wild and that female hybrid sterility is not a complete barrier to introgressive hybridization. The fact that the H. heurippa pattern can be generated by laboratory crosses between H. melpomene and H. cydno, and is also observed in wild hybrids between the two species, establishes a probable natural route for the hybrid origin of H. heurippa.

Well, at this point, one is tempted to say, QED. The authors could hardly have asked for better, could they? Not only did their laboratory crosses reproduce virtually identical Heliconius heurippa analogues, that were furthermore interfertile with wild Heliconius heurippa, but they observed hybrids in the wild that included individuals matching both the wild type Heliconius heurippa and the authors' laboratory analogues!

Not satisfied with this, however, the authors then turned their attention to the next part of the speciation process, and performed some experiments to determine if an isolating mechanism was in place, which would reinforce speciation. Let's take a look at those experiments, shall we?

Mavárez et al, 2006 wrote:The next step in species formation is reproductive isolation. We therefore tested the degree to which H. heurippa is isolated from H. melpomene and H. cydno by assortative mating. No-choice mating experiments showed a reduced probability of mating in all interspecific comparisons, with H. heurippa females particularly unlikely to mate with either H. cydno or H. melpomene (Table 1). When a male of each species was presented with a single female, H. heurippa males were tenfold more likely to court their own females than the other species (Supplementary Fig. 5). In mating experiments with choice, there was similarly strong assortative mating, although occasional matings between H. cydno and H. heurippa were observed (Table 2). Isolation due to assortative mating, on average more than 90% between H. heurippa and H. melpomene and more than 75% between H. heurippa and H. cydno, is therefore considerably greater than that caused by hybrid sterility (about 25% isolation between H. heurippa and H. melpomene, and zero between H. heurippa and H. cydno)1 or predator selection against hybrids (about 50%)24. Therefore, strong assortative mating, in combination with geographic isolation from H. cydno and postzygotic isolation from H. melpomene has contributed to the speciation of H. heurippa.

So, the females of the new species, Heliconius heurippa, exhibited strong preference for other male Heliconius heurippa, with probabilities of out-crossing being 0.073 with Heliconius melpomene males and 0.022 with Heliconius cydno males. Male Heliconius heurippa again exhibited strong preference for female Heliconius heurippa, with probabilities of outcrossing being 0.1 with Heliconius melponeme and 0.44 with Heliconius cydno females. The table in the paper also demonstrates that the parent species also show strong assortative mating, though exhibit enough tendency to hybridise with each other to produce the offspring needed to generate Heliconius heurippa in the first place (hybridisation rate approximately 8%).

However, apart from mating experiments, the authors conducted some other experiments too. Let's take a look at these shall we?

Mavárez et al, 2006 wrote:We next investigated the role of colour pattern in mate choice. Experiments with dissected wings showed that both elements of the forewing colour pattern of H. heurippa were necessary for the stimulation of courtship (Fig. 3). H. heurippa males were less than half as likely to approach and court the H. m. melpomene or the H. cydno cordula pattern than their own (Fig. 3).When either the red or yellow bands were experimentally removed from the H. heurippa pattern, this led to a similar reduction in its attractiveness, demonstrating that both hybrid elements are necessary for mate recognition by male H. heurippa (Fig. 3).

So in this experiment, the authors demonstrated that visual cues are important to Heliconius heurippa, and that experimental manipulation of the wing pattern to mask certain features reduces their attractiveness as visual stimuli to mating.

Mavárez et al, 2006 wrote:Similar results were obtained when these experiments were replicated with printed-paper models (Fig. 3), showing that the colour pattern itself was the cue rather than pheromones associated with the dissected wings. Additional experiments showed that males of both H. m. melpomene and H. cydno cordula showed a greatly reduced probability of approaching and courting the H. heurippa pattern than their own (Supplementary Figs 6 and 7). Given the incomplete postzygotic reproductive isolation between all three species1, this pattern-based assortative mating must have a continuing role in generating reproductive isolation between H. heurippa and its relatives.

Nice. The above experiments established that visual stimuli reproduce the same pattern of assortative mating behaviour even in the absence of pheromones, demonstrating that visual cues are the primary means of stimulating courtship behaviour in these butterflies, and that those visual cues exert strong effects upon mate preference, leading to the assortative mating patterns seen above.

Mavárez et al, 2006 wrote:Novel patterns in Heliconius probably become established through a combination of genetic drift and subsequent fixation of the novel pattern driven by frequency-dependent selection25. Such an event could have established the hybrid H. heurippa pattern as a geographic isolate of H. cydno. Subsequently, the pattern was sufficiently distinct from both H. melpomene and H. cydno that mate-finding behaviour also diverged in parapatry, generating assortative mating between all three species (Supplementary Fig. 8). This two-stage process indicates a possible route by which the theoretical difficulty of a rapid establishment of reproductive isolation between the hybrid and the parental taxa could have been overcome5,6. Furthermore, because we are proposing divergence in mate behaviour in a geographically isolated population, reinforcement or some other form of sympatric divergence is not required for speciation to occur.

Our study provides the first experimental demonstration of a hybrid trait generating reproductive isolation between animal species, and the first example of a hybrid trait causing pre-mating isolation through assortative mating. None of the theoretical treatments of homoploid hybrid speciation have considered the effects of
assortative mating5,6. If variation for mate preference were incorporated, the theoretical conditions favouring hybrid speciation might not be as stringent as has been supposed. Finally, two other species, H. pachinus20 and H. timareta26, have also been proposed as having H. cydno/H. melpomene hybrid patterns, indicating that this process might have occurred more than once. However, whether these cases represent a particularity of Heliconius or a common natural process that has been undetected in other animal groups studied less intensively remains a matter of further study. Suggestively, other proposed cases of homoploid hybrid speciation in animals occur in well-studied groups such as African cichlids8–10 and Rhagoletis flies11.

So, the authors were able to reproduce a wild speciation event in the laboratory, produce laboratory analogues of the new species that were interfertile with wild type members of that species, and demonstrate the existence of assortative mating preferences producing a reproductive isolation barrier between the new species and the parents once the new species existed. Furthermore, this mechanism of speciation has been erected as a probable model in other well-studied groups of organisms, including those particular favourites of mine among the vertebrates, African Cichlid fishes. :)

I'd say that's Game Over.
Name: The Other Sweary One
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Re: Calilasseia: Mega post 2: Cichlids

#2  Postby hackenslash » Mar 18, 2010 3:42 am

Welcome to Part 2.

While we're at it, how about speciation driven by sexual selection in Lake Victoria Cichlids? The validity of sexual selection was put to direct empirical test in a landmark paper by Ole Seehausen, namely this one:

The Effect Of Male Colouration On Female Mate Choice In Closely Related Lake Victoria Cichlids by Ole Seehausen and Jacques J. M. van Alphen, Behavioural Ecology & Sociobiology, 42: 1-8 (1998) [Full paper downloadable from here]

Seehausen, 1998 wrote:Abstract We studied the effect of male coloration on interspecific female mate choice in two closely related species of haplochromine cichlids from Lake Victoria. The species differ primarily in male coloration. Males of one species are red, those of the other are blue. We recorded the behavioral responses of females to males of both species in paired male trials under white light and under monochromatic light, under which the interspecific differences in coloration were masked. Females of both species exhibited species-assortative mate choice when colour differences were visible, but chose non-assortatively when colour differences were masked by light conditions. Neither male behaviour nor overall female response frequencies differed between light treatments. That female preferences could be altered by manipulating the perceived colour pattern implies that the colour itself is used in interspecific mate choice, rather than other characters. Hence, male coloration in haplochromine cichlids does underlie sexual selection by direct mate choice, involving the capacity for individual assessment of potential mates by the female. Females of both species responded more frequently to blue males under monochromatic light. Blue males were larger and displayed more than red males. This implies a hierarchy of choice criteria. Females may use male display rates, size, or both when colour is unavailable. Where available, colour has gained dominance over other criteria. This may explain rapid speciation by sexual selection on male coloration, as proposed in a recent mathematical model.

The paper continues with:

Seehausen, 1998 wrote:Theory predicts that sexual selection is potentially a powerful agent of diversification. The predicted genetic correlation between mate preferences in the choosy sex (mostly the female) and preferred characters (ornaments) in the opposite sex, arising from assortative mating (Lande 1981), has been empirically demonstrated in several kind of fish (Houde and Endler 1990; Bakker 1993). Simultaneous selection for preferences and preferred traits drives character states away from the equilibria under natural selection (Fisher 1930; Lande 1981; Kirkpatrick and Ryan 1991) and, if of diversifying nature, can lead to the evolution of polymorphisms in preference and trait (Kodric-Brown and Nicoletto 1996), and may play a role in speciation (Lande 1981, 1982; Turner and Burrows 1995; Payne and Krakauer 1997).

Characters indicative of the effects of sexual selection, such as sexual dimorphism and diverse male ornamentation (Dominey 1984; Coyne 1992), are well developed in the cichlid species flock of Lake Victoria (Greenwood 1974; Seehausen 1996a). At the same time, courtship behaviour of haplochromine cichlids is simple-compared to that of other cichlids (McElroy and Kornfield 1990). Though in many cichlids coloration is assumed to be important in direct female mate choice (e.g. Ribbink 1986), which requires discrimination between attributes of individual males (Wiley and Poston 1996), there are few experimental tests. Diverse male coloration could also have evolved by indirect choice which includes all other proximate mechanisms that restrict an individuals set of potential mates (Wiley and Poston 1996), by male-male competition for females (often referred to as intrasexual selection; Huxley 1938), or by a combination of these. Females could for instance have preferences for particular spawning locations rather than for particular males, as is known from wrasses, the closest marine relatives of cichlids (Warner 1987). Coloration could determine the outcome of interference competition between males over such locations. The available evidence does suggest that sexual selection on male traits in cichlid fish can be produced by both direct (Barlow et al. 1977, 1990; Barlow and Rogers 1978; Barlow 1983; Hert 1991) and indirect mate choice (McKaye et al. 1990).

Though assortative mating has been considered important in the maintenance (and presumably evolution) of reproductive isolation among the haplochromine cichlids of the African Great Lakes (Holzberg 1978; Marsh et al. 1981), it remained thus far unknown, whether it is based on male colours or on traits correlated with colour. In field studies it is almost impossible to disentangle the effects of colour and other traits, as well as direct versus indirect and female versus male choice. Assortative mating through direct female mate choice has been demonstrated for two closely related species of Lake Victoria cichlids (Seehausen 1997) but that study did not attempt to isolate possible effects of coloration and male courtship behaviour on female mate choice, which is the object of the present study.

Seehausen then goes on to explain how he performed the experiments. What he did was this - he took two closely related species from the Haplochromis nyererei complex of Lake Victoria Cichlid fishes, one whose males were red, one whose males were blue. These were housed together in several aquaria, and the mating behaviour of the fishes in question observed. The control aquaria were illuminated under conditions mimicking natural daylight, whilst the experimental aquaria were illuminated under monochromatic light specifically chosen to mask the colour differences between the males of the two species. Females under natural illumination conditions mated assortatively, choosing to mate with males of their own species, but under the experimental treatment, male size was instead the dominant characteristic selected by the females, who mated with the largest males regardless of whether they belonged to the same species. Seehausen documents this as follows:

Seehausen, 1998 wrote:The species

Haplochromis nyererei (Witte-Maas and Witte 1985) and the undescribed Haplochromis ``zebra nyererei'' are two anatomically very similar forms that behave like biological species in some places and like colour morphs of one species in other places (Seehausen 1996, 1997). Both inhabit rocky shores and islands in Lake Victoria and live at many places sympatrically, usually exhibiting some ecological differences (Seehausen 1997; Seehausen and Bouton 1997). Males of both species have blackish underparts and blackish vertical bars on the flanks. The most conspicuous difference between them is coloration. Males of H. nyererei are bright crimson dorsally, yellow on the anterior flanks, and their dorsal fin is crimson. In the following we refer to them as red. Males of H. ``zebra nyererei'' are greyish white dorsally and on the flanks, and have a metallic blue dorsal fin. We will refer to them as blue. Females of both species have cryptic coloration with grey-brown vertical bars on a yellowish-grey ground colour, and yellowish transparent fins. Subtle differences in head anatomy help to distinguish the females of the two species. We refer to them as red and blue as well.

Courtship of both species resembles that of other haplochromine cichlid species (Carlstead 1981; McElroy and Korn®eld 1990). A courtship bout begins either with male ``approach'', immediately followed by ``lateral display'', or directly with lateral display. In lateral display the male displays its body and fin coloration by posing in front of the female with an erected dorsal fin. If the female remains or approaches the male, the latter displays ``quiver'', a high-frequency shaking movement of the body during which the dorsal fin is partly folded, the anal fin stretched out, and the caudal fin bent away from the female. This is followed by ``lead'' swimming with waving tail beats towards the spawning pit. If the female follows the male to the pit, the male will present its egg dummies and start ``circling'' in the nest, which initiates spawning if the female joins in. Each of these actions is an integral part of a courtship behaviour chain. They are displayed in a rather consistent sequence (Carlstead 1981; McElroy and Korn®eld 1990). For more details of courtship elements see Carlstead (1981) and McElroy and Kornfield (1990). Photographs and drawings of the elements are given by Seehausen (1996). Responsive females ``approach'' a displaying male and may ``follow'' it on its lead swimming, respectively ``enter'' and ``over substrate'' in McElroy and Kornfield (1990). If male coloration determines female choice, it is likely that it is assessed particularly during the lateral display posture [cf. McElroy and Korn®eld (1990) who found indications that mate choice in Lake Malawi haplochromines is accomplished prior to onset of intense courtship].

Intermediate phenotypes were never found in most of the common geographical range of red and blue, although hybrids between red and blue can be obtained readily in the laboratory and are fully fertile. They were, however, caught in abundance at several places with exceptionally low water transparency, suggesting gene flow between the two forms at such places (Seehausen 1997). Individuals of two populations of each species, from regions, in which intermediate phenotypes had prior to 1996 not been observed (central Mwanza Gulf and Speke Gulf), were brought into the laboratory in 1992. F1, F2, and F3 generations were bred. Intermediate phenotypes never occurred. A first set of free mate choice experiments had confirmed that red and blue from both geographical regions mate assortatively under broad spectrum illumination (Seehausen 1997). For the present study we used red and blue from Python Islands (central Mwanza Gulf). This is a locality without intermediate phenotypes north of the turbid southern part of the Mwanza Gulf.

Housing conditions prior to the experiments

Males and females of each species were kept in separate aquaria, maintained at 24±26 °C, on a 12:12 h light:dark cycle. The aquaria were illuminated with 40-W daylight ¯uorescent lightning. The fish were fed once a day a mix of ground shrimps and commercial flake food, once a day trout pellets, and several times per week red chironomid larvae.

Experimental design

Individual females were given free choice between a red and a blue male. Females moved freely in a 300-cm-long, 100-cm-deep and 60-cm-high (1800 l) experimental aquarium. Two six-sided enclosures from perspex, each measuring 45 cm in height and 60 cm diameter were placed into the experimental aquarium at its two short sides (Fig. 1). The bottom of the experimental aquarium was covered with a 10-cm-thick layer of sand into which the perspex enclosures were pressed. The water level in the experimental aquarium was kept just below the top of the perspex enclosures. The water temperature was maintained at 24-25 °C and filtered via a large outboard trickle filter with bio-balls. Each perspex enclosure was furnished with an air stone, providing oxygen and causing a slight overrun of water to maintain water exchange. Hence chemical communication between the female and the males was not excluded. One male was placed in each enclosure. In the enclosures the sand was piled up to a crater like structure with a pit in the centre, under an overhanging brick of 40 × 30 × 10 cm. Males accepted these artificial caves as the centre of their ``territories'' and made them the destination of their lead swimmings during courtship.

Males had to be kept in enclosures to avoid interference competition between them which would be likely to influence female mate choice (Kodric-Brown 1993). To keep several males co-dominant, an aquarium needs to be richly structured, which makes observation difficult and introduces the possibility of female mate choice bias for criteria other than male traits. The purpose of constructing the male enclosures in a six-sided shape was to simplify the interpretation of female courtship behaviour by allowing females to follow males on their lead swimmings in three dimensional space. The distance between enclosures, and thus the minimum distance between males was 2 m. Hence, females had abundant extraterritorial space to avoid visual contact with both males. To be courted, they had to move away from the centre of the aquarium, which was furnished with one hollow brick. A positive response to male courtship often consisted of a directed approach movement over a distance of more than 0.5 m. We consider such conditions an important prerequisite to reliably interpret female behaviour in cichlids without pair bond (see also McElroy and Kornfield 1990).

Colour manipulation

To manipulate female perception of male colour signals by illumination, we measured the coloration of those parts of the fish body that, to the human eye, differed most distinctly between the two species under daylight (dorsal fin and dorsum; Fig. 2A). Haplochromine cichlids possess trichromatic vision (van der Meer and Bowmaker 1995), and we assumed that perception of colour differences of the females in our experiment was similar to that of the human eye. The experimental aquarium was illuminated with four 40-W white fluorescent light tubes. In the first set of experiments the tubes were provided with a light filter, restricting the spectrum to long wave lengths (> 500 nm, double layer of filters, filter colour chrome orange, Lee Filters). The filter colour was chosen to mask the coloration differences between the two species. Blocking the blue light component in the incidence light, the filter caused blue parts of the fish body to appear greyish, and red parts to loose against an orange environment their conspicuousness (Fig. 2A). At the same time we simulated the spectral conditions that we measured in the lake at places with turbid waters, where intermediate phenotypes were abundant (Fig. 2B). We will refer to these light conditions as monochromatic light. Light intensity had to be considerably higher than in natural turbid water habitats, to make observation of the fishes possible.

In the second set of experiments the light filters were removed and illumination was broad spectrum. We will refer to this as white light. The distance between water surface and light tubes had to be increased in the white light experiments, to keep the intensity of illumination similar between the experiments. The white light spectrum resembled that found in the natural habitat at islands with clear water (Fig. 2B). Measurements of light spectra and fish coloration were taken with a computer-based microspectrometer (Ocean Optics PS 1000), operated with spectral data acquisition and processing software (Spectra Scope 2.2). Fish coloration was measured on slides as reflectance off the dorsal fin of sexually active fishes, photographed on Kodak Elite 100 ISO under daylight immediately after capture and with a grey unicolour card as reference.

I'll let you read the rest of the paper yourself to determine the remaining details of the experimental setup.

Moving on, let's see the results:

Seehausen, 1998 wrote:Results

Interspecfic comparison of display and response rates

Female type had no species-specific effect on male courtship (Table 1A). Females were courted by blue males more frequently than by red males (white light: n = 8, t = 3.49, P = 0.01; monochromatic light: n = 8, t = 3.05, P = 0.02, paired t-tests). Light treatment had no effect on the rates of male display to a given female (red males: n = 8, t = 0.47, P = 0.66; blue males: n = 8, t = 0.53, P = 0.61, paired t-tests), but blue females under monochromatic light were courted more frequently than red females (means for red and for blue males separate n1 = 8, n2= 8, t=-2.82, P = 0.01, unpaired t-test).

There was no difference in overall responsiveness between females of the two species (Table 1B; means over interactions with red and blue males in white light: n1 = 4, n2 = 4, t = 0.37, P = 0.75 for AP, n1 = 4, n2 = 4, t = 1.03, P = 0.34 for FO; in monochromatic light: n1 = 4, n2 = 4, t = -0.63, P = 0.55 for AP, n1 = 4, n2 = 4, t = 0.57, P = 0.59 for FO, unpaired t-tests). Nor was there an effect of light on the responsiveness of females to conspecific males expressed as approach (n = 8, t = 0.06, P = 0.96, paired t-test), but females tended to follow conspecific males under monochromatic light less often than under white light (n = 8, t = 2.19, P = 0.07, paired t-test).

The effect of male colour

Using the preference scores we found that under white light red females approached and followed red males more frequently than blue males, while blue females approached and followed blue males more frequently (Table 2, Fig. 3; n1 = 4, n2 = 4, t = 4.32, P = 0.005 for AP; n1 = 3, n2 = 4, t = 3.49, P = 0.018 for FO, unpaired t-tests).

Under monochromatic light, females tended to express weaker preferences (smaller preference scores: n = 8, t = 1.84, P = 0.11 for AP, n = 6, t = 1.92, P = 0.11 for FO, paired t-test), and there was no difference between the mate choice of the females of the two species (n1 = 4, n2 = 4, t= -0.73, P = 0.492 for AP, n1 = 3, n2 = 3, t= -0.90, P = 0.421 for FO, unpaired t-tests), while, based on FO, females of both preferred blue males (based on AP: n = 8, t = -1.22, P = 0.26, based on FO: n = 6, t = -3.79, P = 0.01, paired t-tests). The difference between the light treatments in the degree of preference for conspecific males was significant (AP: n = 8, t = 2.97, P = 0.021; FO: n = 6, t = 2.07, P = 0.093, paired t-tests).

Female mate choice in white light was not correlated with relative male display rates (AP: n = 8, r = 0.32, P = 0.44; FO: n = 7, r = 0.40, P = 0.39). Since pairwise differences in male size were not affected by light treatment (the male pairs were the same under both light regimes), size differences cannot have determined mate choice under white light either. Under monochromatic light, female mate choice as expressed by approach tended to be correlated with relative male lateral display frequencies (AP: n = 8, r = 0.64, P = 0.09; FO: n = 6, r= -0.15, P = 0.78).


The experiments demonstrate that females that exhibited species-assortative mate choice when colour differences between males were visible, chose non-assortatively when these differences were masked by ambient light conditions. Male behaviour did not differ between light treatments, nor did overall female response rates. Though the small sample sizes caution against over-interpretation of the quantitative results, the following clearly emerged: (a) in monochromatic light, con- and heterospecific male courtship was a suffcient stimulus to elicit female response; (b) female preferences could be altered by manipulating the perceived male coloration implying that the colour itself, rather than possible correlated characters, is used in interspecific mate choice. The breakdown of assortative mating under monochromatic light is most likely to be explained by the masking of visual signals. Analogous results were obtained by Long and Houde (1989) on intraspecific female mate choice in guppies (Poecilia reticulata). Female mate preferences for the brighter orange males broke down when ambient light conditions reduced the conspicuousness of the orange.

If relative female mate preferences reflect relative gene flow, then the isolation between the two species used in our experiments should in nature depend on the light conditions in their habitats. One may expect that criteria for mate-preferences other than colour evolve (and possibly mechanisms of reproductive isolation), where hue of coloration is (secondarily) becoming ineffective in interspecific mate choice. It is unknown how much time is needed to evolve such signals, and changes in the environment may take place more quickly. Circumstantial evidence suggests that the extent of gene flow between the sibling species used in this study indeed depends on light conditions in nature (Seehausen 1997).

The results have implications for the understanding of the role of sexual selection in the evolution of male coloration in cichlids. In our study, female mate choice was directly determined by male coloration. Though the possibility that sexual selection through indirect mate choice is also acting on male coloration is of course not ruled out by our results, male coloration does underlie selection through direct choice (sensu Wiley and Poston 1996), involving the capacity for individual assessment of potential mates by the female.

Direct mate choice is in agreement with studies that had previously shown the capacity for individual assessment of mates based on other traits in other cichlids (Noble and Curtis 1939; Barlow et al. 1977, 1990; Barlow and Rogers 1978; Hert 1991; Rogers and Barlow 1991; Balshine-Earn 1996). This is a prerequisite for females to use male traits as an indicator of male quality as the male handicap hypothesis suggests (Zahavi 1975; Maynard Smith 1976; Hamilton and Zuk 1982; Pomiankowski 1987; Kennedy et al. 1987; Grafen 1990; reviewed by Collins 1993).

That females of both species in our study under monochromatic light exhibited `follow' more frequently to blue males may indicate that females use male display rates, size, or both as choice criteria when colour is unavailable. This is in concordance with results obtained in other studies on mate choice in fish. Size is known to be important in many species (cichlids: Barlow et al. 1977; Barlow 1983; Rogers and Barlow 1991; Balshine-Earn 1996; other fishes: Borowsky 1981; Reynolds and Gross 1992; Endler and Houde 1995), and display rates have been reported to contribute to female mate choice decisions in guppies (Endler 1983; Kennedy et al. 1987; Kodric-Brown 1989, 1993). The relative contributions of male size, display rate and coloration to intraspecific female choice decisions have sometimes been diffcult to disentangle (e.g. Barlow et al. 1977, 1990; Barlow and Rogers 1978; Barlow 1983; Farr 1980; Reynolds and Gross 1992; Kodric-Brown and Nicoletto 1996 versus Kodric-Brown 1985; Long and Houde 1989). Our experiments show that different results in this respect may at least partly be due to the circumstance that the relative importance of different male traits may change with environmental parameters, and hence with experimental design (Barlow 1983; Kodric-Brown 1989, 1993; Endler and Houde 1995; Hunt et al. in press).

In the case reported here of mate choice between sibling species, colour is dominant over display rate and size. The implicit hierarchy of choice criteria in intra- and interspecific situations, and the impact of the environment on it, can be tested experimentally and by tracing environmental correlates of male trait expression in nature. That the red females in our study did not identify red males on other possible species specific characters when colour was unavailable, indicates that speciation, while occurring with divergence in male coloration, was accompanied by little if any divergence in other traits relevant to direct mate choice. If females simply choose for colour within a certain range of male body shape, speciation could occur if quantitative changes in the physiology of the signal receptor in some females cause a branch point in the evolution of the male signal.

Observations on the distribution of male coloration over sibling species pairs of Lake Victoria cichlids suggest that blue versus red or yellow is a very common colour dichotomy among closely related species (Hoogerhoud et al. 1983; Seehausen 1996a p. 273; Seehausen and Bouton 1996). The mechanism underlying the evolution of this signal dichotomy is unknown but physiological differences among individual females, causing different colour preference due to different sensory bias may be an explanation (Basolo 1990; Ryan and Keddy-Hector 1992). Polymorphism in colour vision is known for instance in guppies (Basolo and Endler 1995).

Our experiments reveal a preference for conspecfic signals in simultaneous choice but response also to non-conspecific signals in a no-choice situation. This indicates that females did not follow a simple absolute preference rule (Real 1990). When the female capacity to assess male colour differences was neutralized by masking coloration differences between males, females responded to males of both species without a decrease in the level of overall responsiveness. This keeps the costs low that direct choice is thought to incur, such as lost opportunities, loss of time and energy (Wiley and Poston 1996).

The type of mate-preference rule is important to understanding the potential role of sexual selection in speciation. Sibling species pairs that differ from each other predominantly in male coloration and contrasting female colour preferences, and in which females follow the ``best of n rule'' in mate selection, possess the basic qualities required for a recently suggested model of sympatric speciation by sexual selection (Turner and Burrows 1995). Polymorphism in male coloration, maintained by polymorphism in female choice has been reported for guppies (Kodric-Brown 1993; Kodric-Brown and Nicoletto 1996). Female preference polymorphisms have also been found in anurans (Gerhardt 1991) and insects (Wagner et al. 1995).

The male trait in the speciation model of Turner and Burrows (1995) was male colour shade, ranging from light to dark. Measurements of the reflection spectra show that the difference in hue among the sibling species in our study is relative (red/blue ratio; Fig. 2a). Thus, it is quantitative and may be selected for like the light/dark difference in the model. To test whether our results match the assumptions of the model, it is important to examine the intraspecific female preference function (cf. Ryan and Rand 1993) and the genetic structure underlying male coloration and female colour preferences.

The species flock of haplochromine cichlids in Lake Victoria consisted of more than 500 species until human intervention caused the extinction of many (Barel et al. 1985; Witte et al. 1992). Palaeolimnological and palynological work showed that Lake Victoria had entirely dried up and filled up again as recently as 12,400 years ago, at the end of the last glacial period, setting a very narrow time frame for the evolution of its cichlids (Johnson et al. 1996). The strong preference for conspecific male coloration that we observed in females of two, otherwise very similar, haplochromine species, suggests that direct mate choice based on coloration has been important in speciation. While the ecological diversity of Lake Victoria cichlids appears largely due to a flexible pharyngeal jaw apparatus which enables rapid evolutionary diversification (Galis and Drucker 1996), sexual selection on coloration could account the existence of many ecologically very similar species on most adaptive levels. The breakdown of preferences for conspecific mates in monochromatic light conditions, such as are found in turbid water, is a warning to those concerned about the conservation of Africas unique cichlid fish fauna.

Oh, and with respect to the Lake Victoria Superflock, this paper:

Origin Of The Superflock Of Cichlid Fishes From Lake Victoria, East Africa by Erik Verheyen, Walter Salzburger, Jos Snoeks and Axel Meyer, Science, 300: 325-329 (11 April 2003)

identifies via molecular phylogeny the common ancestor of the entire Lake Victoria Superflock as being an ancestral population of Haplochromis gracilior from nearby Lake Kivu. From that ancestral population, over 350 species of Lake Victoria Cichlid evolved in just 12,400 years. It's a group of fishes I have some familiarity with as an aquarist, by the way.

As for the notion that beneficial mutations don't happen, this too is flatly contradicted by observational reality. Even better, I was alerted to a nice instance of this, which turned up in the laboratory during work being performed by an "intelligent design" advocate, and when this was pointed out during a so-called "conference" on ID by a real biologist present, the IDist shut down debate on the topic. The relevant link is to this interesting little article, where we find the following revealed:

Daniel R. Brooks wrote:A few days after the meeting ended, we all received an email stating that the ID people considered the conference a private meeting, and did not want any of us to discuss it, blog it, or publish anything about it. They said they had no intention of posting anything from the conference on the Discovery Institute’s web site (the entire proceedings were recorded). They claimed they would have some announcement at the time of the publication of the edited volume of presentations, in about a year, and wanted all of us to wait until then to say anything. These actions made me aware of the extent to which the ID movement was willing to bear false witness in order to achieve its goals, and that kept me from falling prey to my empathy for the underdog. The conference had given me a chance to listen to the top guns of the ID movement expound their views. That helped me organize my understanding of their program and formulate my reactions, which I summarize below. Finally, I am most appreciative of the fact that Bruce Weber’s invitees were so interesting. They formed a second symposium discussing intriguing glimpses into the cutting edge of current evolutionary theory.

In other words, the IDists wanted to exercise strict control over dissemination of ANY information about that so-called "conference", in order to ensure that whatever was disseminated conformed to doctrine. If this approach had been suggested at a genuine scientific conference, scientists would have walked out in disgust. REAL scientific conferences publish openly the proceedings of the conference, and stage in depth question and answer sessions where presenters are required to demonstrate that they actually know what they are talking about, and that they have genuinely produced the experimental results that they claim to have produced. Indeed, some of those 1,500+ scientific papers on evolutionary biology on my hard drive result from one of these conferences, and were published by the Royal Society in its own peer reviewed journal. ALL of the results presented in that conference hosted by the Royal Society were published in appropriate papers in a Royal Society journal, and presenters were expected to answer tough questions about their presentations by other scientists present. Let's compare this to what happened when the IDists were presenting material at their "conference", shall we?

Daniel R. Brooks wrote:The next presentation in this session was by Ann Gauger, a microbiologist and employee of the Biologic Institute, whose presentation was entitled, “Assessing the difficulty of pathway evolution: an experimental test.” Her presentation was remarkable in part because she performed experiments and reported original data.

She began with the repetitive attempt at a reductio ad absurdum, stating that the current complexity of metabolic pathways within cells could not have been created by gene duplication or gene recruitment (another name for co-option), and therefore they were designed. She suggested that contemporary evolutionists believe if there is not a payoff in terms of adaptive value within a few generations, any duplicated gene will be lost, and that for recruitment/co-option to work, function must change within a very few mutations. It is factually untrue that these assertions are an essential part of Darwinian theory. At most, they were initial starting points for investigations into protein evolution long ago, but today’s evolutionary biology does not adhere to any of them. Gene duplication is considered an integral part of evolutionary dynamics and one major source of the co-option that is so ubiquitous in evolution.


She was then prompted by one of her colleagues to regale us with some new experimental finds. She gave what amounted to a second presentation, during which she discussed “leaky growth,” in microbial colonies at high densities, leading to horizontal transfer of genetic information, and announced that under such conditions she had actually found a novel variant that seemed to lead to enhanced colony growth. Gunther Wagner said, “So, a beneficial mutation happened right in your lab?” at which point the moderator halted questioning. We shuffled off for a coffee break with the admission hanging in the air that natural processes could not only produce new information, they could produce beneficial new information.

Oh look. A biologist presented data that amounted to confirmation of an evolutionary hypothesis, and what happened? The IDists shut down all further questioning.

If someone had presented contrary results in a real scientific conference, the question and answer session arising therefrom would have been the talk of the conference. Scientists would be beside themselves with glee at the thought that they had something new and interesting to integrate into their understanding! Indeed, several of them would be thinking eagerly in terms of the future research that they could base on those contrary results, and how that might lead to a future Nobel Prize!

On the other hand, because those results contravened IDist doctrine, the IDists wanted to suppress discussion about them. Which deals with multiple creationist canards in one go.

As for beneficial mutations, appropriate scientific papers include:

[1] Appearance of novel capabilities in organisms via mutation and selection - Nylonase enzymes in Japanese Flavobacterium species (among others):

A New Nylon Oligomer Degradation Gene (nylC) On Plasmid pOAD2 From A Flavobacterium sp. by Seiji Negoro, Shinji Kakudo, Itaru Urabe, and Hirosuke Okadam, Journal of Bacteriology, 174(12): 7948-7953 (December 1992)

A Plasmid Encoding Enzymes For Nylon Oligomer Degradation: Nucleotide Sequence And Analysis Of pOAD2 by Ko Kato, Kinya Ohtsuki, Yuji Koda, Tohru Maekawa, Tetsuya Yomo, Seiji Negoro and Itaru Urabe, Microbiology, 141: 2585-2590 (1995)

Biodegradation Of Nylon Oligomers by Seiji Negoro, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 54: 461-466 (26th May 2000)

Birth Of A Unique Enzyme From An Alternative Reading Frame Of The Pre-eEisted, Internally Repetitious Coding Sequence by Susumu Ohno, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 81: 2421-2425 (April 1984)

DNA-DNA Hybridization Analysis Of Nylon Oligomer-Degradative Plasmid pOAD2: Identification Of The DNA Region Analogous To The Nylon Oligomer Degradation Gene by Seiji Negoro, Shunichi Nakamura and Hirosuke Okada, Journal of Bacteriology, 158(2): 419-424 (May 1984)

Emergence Of Nylon Oligomer Degradation Enzymes In Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO Through Experimental Evolution by Irfan J. Prijambada, Seiji Negoro, Tetsuya Yomo and Itaru Urabe, Applied and Environmental Microbiology 61(5): 2020-2022 (May 1995)

Insertion Sequence IS6100 On Plasmid pOAD2, Which Degrades Nylon Oligomers by Ko Kato, Kinya Ohtsuki, Hiroyuki Mitsuda, Tetsuya Yomo, Seiji Negoro and Itaru Urabe, Journal of Bacteriology, 176(4): 1197-1200 (February 1994)

No Stop Codons In The Antisense Strands Of The Genes For Nylon Oligomer Degradation by Tetsuya Yomo, Itaru Urabe and Hirosuke Okada, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 89: 3780-3784 (May 1992)

Nylon Oligomer Degradation Gene, nylC, On Plasmid pOAD2 From A Flavobacterium Strain Encodes Endo-Type 6-Aminohexanoate Oligomer Hydrolase: Purification And Characterisation Of The nylC Product by Shinji Kakudo, Seiji Negoro, Itaru Urabe and Hirosuke Okada, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 59(11): 3978-3980 (November 1993)

Plasmid-Determined Enzymatic Degradation Of Nylon Oligomers by Seiji Negoro, Tomoyasu Taniguchi, Masaharu Kanaoka, Hiroyuki Kimura and Hirosuke Okada, Journal of Bacteriology, 155(1): 22-31 (July 1983)

[2] Appearance of novel capabilities in organisms via mutation and selection - Antifreeze Glycoproteins in Antarctic Notothenioid fishes:

Convergent Evolution of Antifreeze Glycoproteins in Antarctic Notothenioid Fishes and Arctic Cod by Liangbiao Chen, Arthur L. deVries and Chi-Hing C. Cheng, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 94: 3817-3822 (1997)

Evolution of an Antifreeze Glycoprotein by Liangbiao Chen and Chi-Hing C. Cheng, Nature, 401: 443-444 (1999)

Evolution of Antifreeze Glycoprotein Gene from a Trypsinogen Gene in Antarctic Notothenioid Fishes by Liangbiao Chen, Arthur L. deVries and Chi-Hing C. Cheng, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 94: 3811-3816 (1997)

Functional Antifreeze Glycoprotein Genes in Temperate-Water New Zealand Nototheniid Fishes Infer An Antarctic Evolutionary Origin by Chi-Hing C Cheng, Liangbiao Chen, Thomas J Near and Yumi Jin, Journal of Molecular and Biological Evolution, 20(11): 1897-1908 (2003)

Nonhepatic Origin of Notothenioid Antifreeze Reveals Pancreatic Synthesis As Common Mechanism in Polar Fish Freezing Avoidance by Chi-Hing C Cheng, Paul A. Cziko and Clive W. Evans, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 103: 10491-10496 (2006)

Then of course, we have this paper:

Rapid Large-Scale Evolutionary Divergence In Morphology And Performance Associated With
Exploitation Of A Different Dietary Resource
by Anthony Herrel, Katleen Huyghe, Bieke Vanhooydonck, Thierry Backeljau, Karin Breugelmans, Irena Grbac, Raoul Van Damme and Duncan J. Irschick, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 105(12): 4792-4795 (25th March 2008) [Full paper downloadable from here]

Herrel et al, 2008 wrote:Although rapid adaptive changes in morphology on ecological time scales are now well documented in natural populations, the effects of such changes on whole-organism performance capacity and the consequences on ecological dynamics at the population level are often unclear. Here we show how lizards have rapidly evolved differences in head morphology, bite strength, and digestive tract structure after experimental introduction into a novel environment. Despite the short time scale (≅36 years) since this introduction, these changes in morphology and performance parallel those typically documented among species and even families of lizards in both the type and extent of their specialization. Moreover, these changes have occurred side-by-side with dramatic changes in population density and social structure, providing a compelling example of how the invasion of a novel habitat can evolutionarily drive multiple aspects of the phenotype.

The paper continues with:

Herrel et al, 2008 wrote:Recent reviews have illustrated how rapid adaptive evolution is common and may be considered the rule rather than the exception in some cases (1, 2). Experimental introductions of populations in novel environments have provided some of the strongest evidence for natural selection and adaptive divergence on ecological time scales (3–6). However, little is known about the degree to which the observed changes in morphology may affect the population structure and behavioral ecology of organisms through the mediating effects of whole-organism performance (7, 8). Consequently, our understanding of how rapid phenotypic changes affect ecological processes at the population level is limited (2, 9). Moreover, despite the fact that microevolutionary responses to environmental changes have been well documented, the unpredictability and reversibility of changes of morphological traits in fluctuating environments (10, 11) have raised questions regarding how these microscale changes can lead to the emergence of novel structures as seen on macroevolutionary scales (2).

Here we address these issues by examining the outcome of a remarkable 36-year experimental introduction with the lizard Podarcis sicula. In 1971 five adult pairs of this species were moved from the small islet of Pod Kopisˇte (0.09 km2) to the nearby Pod Mrcˇaru (0.03 km2) by Nevo and coworkers (12). Both islets lie in the middle of the South Adriatic Sea near the larger island of Lastovo and belong to Croatia. Although the islet of Pod Mrcˇaru was originally inhabited by another lacertid lizard species (Podarcis melisellensis), repeated visits (twice yearly over the past three years, beginning in 2004) show that this species has become extinct on Pod Mrcˇaru. Genetic mitochondrial DNA analyses indicate that the lizards currently on Pod Mrcˇaru are indeed P. sicula and are genetically indistinguishable from lizards from the source population.

The paper continues with:

Herrel et al, 2008 wrote:Our data show that P. sicula lizards consume more plant material on Pod Mrcˇaru compared with the ancestral population on Pod Kopisˇte. Analysis of stomach contents shows marked differences in diet between populations in both spring (F1,204 = 22.9, P<0.01) and summer (F1,74 = 103.13, P < 0.01) but no differences in diet between sexes in either population (F1,202 = 1.36, P = 0.24). Seasonal differences in diet were significant in lizards from the introduced population (Pod Mrcˇaru, F1,184 = 30.31, P < 0.01) with plants composing between 34% (spring) and 61% (summer) of the total volume of the food eaten (Fig. 2). In contrast, plant consumption was low (7% to 4%) and did not differ seasonally for lizards from the source population (Pod Kopisˇte, F1,94 = 0.33, P = 0.57). Moreover, ≅50% of the plant matter eaten year round by lizards from Pod Mrcˇaru consists of items with high cellulose content such as leaves and stems (Fig. 3).

This shift to a predominantly plant-based diet has resulted in the dramatic evolution of intestinal morphology. Morphological analysis of preserved specimens shows the presence of cecal valves (Fig. 4) in all individuals, including a hatchling (26.4-mm snout-vent length, umbilical scar present) and a very young juvenile (33.11-mm snout-vent length) examined from Pod Mrcˇaru. These valves are similar in overall appearance and structure to those found in herbivorous lacertid, agamid, and iguanid lizards (13, 14) and are not found in other populations of P. sicula (13) or in P. melisellensis. Cecal valves slow down food passage and provide for fermenting chambers, allowing commensal microorganisms to convert cellulose to volatile fatty acids (15, 16). Indeed, in the lizards from Pod Mrcˇaru, nematodes were common in the hindgut but absent from individuals from Pod Kopisˇte. The fact that <1% of all currently known species of squamates have cecal valves (13, 14) illustrates the unusual nature of these structures in this population. The evolution of these structures has likely gone hand in hand with a novel association between P. sicula on Pod Mrcˇaru and a set of microorganisms assuring the digestion of cellulose as is suggested by the presence of nematodes in the hindgut of individuals from Pod Mrcˇaru.

Our data show that in only 36 years (≅30 generations) the experimental introduction of a small propagule of lizards (five males and five females) into a novel environment has resulted in large differences in external morphology with high phenotypic divergence rates (17) up to 8,593 darwins or 0.049 haldanes [Table 1; note, however, that these are synchronic rates (1) and assume no additional colonization of the island by P. sicula]. Moreover, the invasion of a novel environment has resulted in the evolution of a novel phenotypic character that is rarely observed in lizards and that cannot be quantified by such metrics. More importantly, the observed morphological changes appear adaptive because they result in an increase in bite performance in both sexes. Because plants are tough, fibrous materials, high bite forces may allow lizards to crop smaller pieces from larger plants (13, 18) and thus may help the breakdown of the indigestible cell walls (19, 20). Previous data show that lizards that include plant matter into their diet do indeed have higher bite forces (13, 18). Interestingly, phenotypic divergence rates are higher for females (the sex with the smallest heads and lowest bite forces) than males, suggesting that selection for high bite forces is directly related to the inclusion of tough and fibrous items into the diet. Additionally, functional components of the jaw system related to jaw opening (e.g., the inlever for jaw opening) show much lower divergence rates, again suggesting that morphological changes are specifically associated with the ability to bite hard and the increased consumption of plant matter (Table 1).

The relatively large fraction of leaves included into the diet of lizards in the introduced population of Pod Mrcˇaru has apparently also resulted in the evolution of cecal valves, a structure previously unreported for this species and rare in this family and scleroglossan lizards in general (13, 14, 18). Our data also add to the growing number of studies suggesting that the inclusion of plant matter into the diet of small temperate lizards may be more common than previously thought (21, 22). Moreover, our data show not only rapid, directional changes in quantitative phenotypic traits related to the inclusion of plant matter into the diet, but also the evolution of novel morphological structures on extremely short time scales. Although the presence of cecal valves and large heads in hatchlings and juveniles suggests a genetic basis for these differences, further studies investigating the potential role of phenotypic plasticity and/or maternal effects in the divergence between populations are needed.

The inclusion of plant matter into diet may have had profound effects on the population structure as well. Because of the larger food base available and the increase in the predictability of the food source, lizard densities on Pod Mrcˇaru are much greater (0.01 versus 0.05 lizards per trap per hour, caught in unbaited traps, on Pod Kopiste and Pod Mrcˇaru, respectively). This, in turn, likely affected the social structure, and lizards on Pod Mrcˇaru do no longer appear to defend territories. Moreover, changes in foraging style (browsing versus active pursuit of mobile prey) and social structure may also have resulted in the dramatic changes in limb proportions and maximal sprint speed previously documented for this population (23). Thus, our data show how rapid phenotypic changes may affect population structure and dynamics through their effect on behavioral ecology and life history of animals. They also show that rapid evolution can result in changes in both qualitative and quantitative characters.

So, according to this paper, the changes took just 30 generations to complete, which means that these lizards apparently evolved the changes to their morphology at an extremely fast rate. It is possible that this is the result of gene-based phenotypic plasticity of course, in other words, the lizards possessed the genes required to respond to environmental changes prior to their transplantation, and that said transplantation introduced a strong positive selection for the development of that plasticity in the observed direction. An analogous situation arises among Cichlid fishes, which possess considerable phenotypic plasticity with respect to their feeding apparatus (most notably the pharyngeal jaw mechanism) which allows these fishes to radiate into new trophic niches rapidly, a factor that contributed to the rapid speciation events recorded with respect to the Lake Victoria Superflock. This is a grouping of fishes with a known common ancestor (they are derived from an ancestral population of Haplochromis gracilior from nearby Lake Kivu), as determined by the requisite molecular phylogenetic analysis (the paper in question being Origin of the Superflock of Cichlid Fishes from Lake Victoria, East Africa by Erik Verheyen, Walter Salzburger, Jos Snoeks and Axel Meyer, Science, 300: 325-329, 11 April 2003), but which has radiated in just 12,400 years into 350+ species that have been described by science. Sexual selection and trophic specialisation upon discovering new niches are considered to be the driving factors behind the rapid speciation of these fishes, and Cichlid fishes have been known to possess considerable pharyngeal and dental phenotypic plasticity since Dr Humphrey Greenwood's landmark paper on the subject in 1977.

Right, since I bothered to peruse these scientific papers, learn about the research in detail, and learn why that research flushes creationist canards down the toilet wholesale (just for the record, I have over 1,500 scientific papers on evolutionary biology alone in my collection) is there any chance that the same diligent effort will be expended by the individual purporting to be in a position to tell us all that evolution doesn't happen, simply because he wants his magic man to be responsible for everything?
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Re: Calilasseia: Mega post 1: Irreducible Complexity

#3  Postby MoonLit » Mar 18, 2010 3:50 am

Cali should make a book made up of his best responses. I would not only buy, but I'd actually read it too. :D
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Re: Calilasseia: Mega post 1: Irreducible Complexity

#4  Postby Kiwi » Mar 18, 2010 4:31 am

Lion IRC
Is anybody in favor of having a 500 word limit on posts?
17,000 words at 120 words a minute is over 2 hours worth.

I am not in favour. This sort of post may not be to everyone's taste, but what does it mean to want to ban posts that someone finds boring ? The immortal words of Richard Dawkins spring to mind:


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Re: Calilasseia: Mega post 1: Irreducible Complexity

#5  Postby Lion IRC » Mar 18, 2010 4:56 am

Hi Kiwi,
I am certainly not in favor of banning posts or letting some arbitrary judge decide what is boring.
That is ALWAYS best left up to the reader - who is assumed to be capable of deciding for themselves.
But I wonder if posting huge chunks of other peoples writings then paraphrasing those same articles by way of explanation for or argument with another guest?
It would be the equivalent of you spending 10 minutes explaining the Youtube video you posted.
Many people would see the url link given in support of a point of view being debated and make one of five choices.

1. No need to look - I accept that it probably supports/proves the proposition.
2. Would love to look but being time poor I will remain open minded.
3. No need to look - I've already seen it.
4. I will go and look up that reference to the benefit or detriment or resolution of my own position.
5. I will tell the person providing the link that I can't find it and could they PM me the full text/summary/etc.

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Re: Calilasseia: Mega post 1: Irreducible Complexity

#6  Postby Lion IRC » Mar 18, 2010 5:00 am

Valden wrote:Cali should make a book made up of his best responses. I would not only buy, but I'd actually read it too. :D

Hi Valden,
What if 50% of the book consisted of cut-and-pastes from books already published.
A.C. Grayling's "Meaning of Things" would be a LOT thinner if all the quotes by other (famous) people were removed.
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Re: Calilasseia: Mega post 1: Irreducible Complexity

#7  Postby Darwinsbulldog » Mar 18, 2010 5:16 am

Lion IRC wrote:
Valden wrote:Cali should make a book made up of his best responses. I would not only buy, but I'd actually read it too. :D

Hi Valden,
What if 50% of the book consisted of cut-and-pastes from books already published.
A.C. Grayling's "Meaning of Things" would be a LOT thinner if all the quotes by other (famous) people were removed.
Lion (IRC)

Some of the late Stephen Jay Gould's books were collections of essays that Gould had previously published elsewhere. They remained hugely popular. I don't see this a problem, at least in principle.

Richard Dawkins published two books which were anthologies of essays also. "A Devil's Chaplin" was a collection of his own essays, and "The Oxford Book of Modern Science Writing" was his selection of other science author's works. Authors [not just of science] do this often. So do poets, so do science fiction short-story editors and authors. I don't see what the big deal is here :think: . Buy or don't buy-it's up to the purchaser.
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Re: Calilasseia: Mega post 1: Irreducible Complexity

#8  Postby DanDare » Mar 18, 2010 1:21 pm

It is an old and good tradition to make an argument that surrounds and assembles the voices of others. Short references are fine for asides but where someone else's quote is an essential part of the matter at hand I want to see it in full.
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Re: Calilasseia: Mega post 1: Irreducible Complexity

#9  Postby devogue » Mar 18, 2010 1:28 pm

Imagine Cali at a McDonald's drive thru.

Gridlock in five minutes.
It's PETUNIAS TIME again, folks!!!

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Re: Calilasseia: Mega post 1: Irreducible Complexity

#10  Postby Shaker » Mar 18, 2010 1:32 pm

That's why we love him so :)
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