Silvia Browne - The Next 100 Years Predictions

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Silvia Browne - The Next 100 Years Predictions

#1  Postby DoctorE » Dec 14, 2010 10:16 am

It's like some mix of Star Wars and the bible + dash of insane madness

1. Eradication of cancer as we know it, using sound waves, photo sensitive drug therapy, and "self-addicting" cells.
2. Robotic houses, controlled by computerized switchboard.
3. Electrical cars with flotation ability for water travel to bypass freeways.
4. Houses made from pressed paper with plastic coatings; interchangeable walls.
5. Separate body parts cloned for organ transplants; not an entire body.
6. New form of painless tooth extraction, using a type of suction, with immediate replacement of new tooth.
7. Diagnostic chambers which map the body's electrical balance to predict health problems before the come.
8. Cylindrical rooms in which people enter to see an automated projection of the clothing and color that would look good on them; select what you want, take your measurements, then two days later pick up the goods.
9. Third floor of houses have rollback roofs to allow Hovercrafts to come and go.
10. No more surgery with knives. Some type of molecular ionization device that knows how to take out the afflicted cells then seal the wound without a single scar.
11. Remolding of the whole face structure, to duplicate any look that you wish.
12. New exercise equipment that you sit or stand in, and it literally stimulates your muscles with electricity to achieve the same effect as physical exercise.
13. Babies will be birthed in water all the time, with music, incense, and green and lavender lights.
14. People will be able to simply "walk out" of their bodies upon death.
15. There will be no US Presidency; our government will go back to a Greek Senate structure.
16. No longer a single Pope, but a triumvirate of Popes, each assigned to a geographic collection of Catholics.
17. Peace in the Middle East will prevail by 2050.
18. West Coast goes under in 2026. Parts of the East Coast also get inundated. Tsunamis will wipe out a large portion of Japan. The Hawaiian Islands will have upheaval and be the site of a large new landmass.
19. Atlantis will begin to show itself by 2023 and be fully visible by 2026.
20. After 2050, the "Age of the Messiah" is upon us. People turn totally toward Spirituality, peace will rein for a long time. People will return to community living, loving each other, and working together.
21. Treatment for depression and mood disorders will come from a "control chamber" that emits sensory stimulation gently to the brain, including certain smells, which will elevate mood.
22. Medicine in pill form goes away; instead we have air-injected delivery through the skin.
23. Atomic batteries will run cars.
24. No more gas propelled rockets in space; we will have nuclear powered cylinder shaped objects that travel everywhere.
25. A moon base is created for people to visit, and as a stopping place for further trips.
26. By 2055 most people will live in domed cities due to poor atmospheric conditions.
27. A virtual reality headset will stimulate brain waves so people can learn whole libraries of information within hours.
28. Giant fruits and vegetables will be grown in hothouse environments. The nutrients will be synthesized into a highly condensed injection.
29. Proteins are developed without animal meat, very powerful, builds immune system.
30. Addictions will be a thing of the past because of a brain stimulation, which eradicates all addictions, with no side effects.
31. Execution for the death penalty will become a complete vaporization of the body.
32. No separate governments, one planetary government will form.
33. Great earth changes will occur and germ warfare will be used before the world finds peace. But eventually from all of the bad comes good. The pendulum will swing back to humanity and love.
34. No world war is coming, but lots of civil disorder and small skirmishes. No nuclear holocaust.
35. Peace will last from 2050 until 2100, and then I see nothing beyond, which could mean "the end will come like a thief in the night."
36. Toward the end of things, the veil separating our world from The Other Side will thin, so much so that most people will see decease loved ones and speak with their Spirit Guides.
37. There will be many false prophets that rise up proclaiming to be Jesus on Earth, and try to lead people astray. We are already seeing this in the big rise of occultism.
38. People will again find Spirituality, not so much in organized religion, but in the spiritual brotherhood of coming together and finding their Temple within.
39. Four more comets will pass by before the end times.
40. Aliens will begin to show themselves in the year 2010, they will not harm us, they simply want to see what we are doing to this planet. They will teach us how to use anti-gravity devices again, such as they did for the pyramids.

Source: ... s/172.html
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Re: Silvia Browne - The Next 100 Years Predictions

#2  Postby zerne » Dec 14, 2010 10:50 am

40. Aliens will begin to show themselves in the year 2010, they will not harm us, they simply want to see what we are doing to this planet. They will teach us how to use anti-gravity devices again, such as they did for the pyramids.

They'd better get a bloody move on, theres only 18 days left.. :think:
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Re: Silvia Browne - The Next 100 Years Predictions

#3  Postby tnjrp » Dec 14, 2010 10:52 am

Silvia wrote:1. Eradication of cancer as we know it, using sound waves, photo sensitive drug therapy, and "self-addicting" cells
I'm all for that even if the explanation is a triffle vague.
2. Robotic houses, controlled by computerized switchboard
The only question is "will it be able to transform into a lear jet?"
3. Electrical cars with flotation ability for water travel to bypass freeways
They are going to be glogging up the rivers too then eh?
4. Houses made from pressed paper with plastic coatings; interchangeable walls
I'd like to see how that works with the current weather hereabouts... NOT :nono:
5. Separate body parts cloned for organ transplants; not an entire body.
6. New form of painless tooth extraction, using a type of suction, with immediate replacement of new tooth
OK by me. Especially the tooth bit, I'm scared of dentists.
7. Diagnostic chambers which map the body's electrical balance to predict health problems before the come
Well, yeah, sure... :shifty:
8. Cylindrical rooms in which people enter to see an automated projection of the clothing and color that would look good on them; select what you want, take your measurements, then two days later pick up the goods
Sounds eminently doable currently, even if not necessarily easy or cheap: so not too hot as predictions go.
9. Third floor of houses have rollback roofs to allow Hovercrafts to come and go
Ms. Browne has some problems with the hovercraft concept methinks.
10. No more surgery with knives. Some type of molecular ionization device that knows how to take out the afflicted cells then seal the wound without a single scar
Errr... Yeah OK then.
11. Remolding of the whole face structure, to duplicate any look that you wish
Could use some that so do bring it on.
12. New exercise equipment that you sit or stand in, and it literally stimulates your muscles with electricity to achieve the same effect as physical exercise
Don't woomerchants already have this? :ask:
13. Babies will be birthed in water all the time, with music, incense, and green and lavender lights
14. People will be able to simply "walk out" of their bodies upon death
WTF? No seriously, WTF?

But now it starts getting interesting...
15. There will be no US Presidency; our government will go back to a Greek Senate structure.
16. No longer a single Pope, but a triumvirate of Popes, each assigned to a geographic collection of Catholics
ORLY? Both sound kinda far fetched but then, a 100 years is a fairly long time for such changes to take place.
17. Peace in the Middle East will prevail by 2050
Darned long time it takes, apparently...
18. West Coast goes under in 2026. Parts of the East Coast also get inundated. Tsunamis will wipe out a large portion of Japan. The Hawaiian Islands will have upheaval and be the site of a large new landmass
Ooh, nasty! But I suppose this one will be pretty obvious when it does happen (we have no doubts, surely? :levi:)
19. Atlantis will begin to show itself by 2023 and be fully visible by 2026
Yeah, right...
20. After 2050, the "Age of the Messiah" is upon us. People turn totally toward Spirituality, peace will rein for a long time. People will return to community living, loving each other, and working together
Heck, sounds peachy. Obviously it's gonna mean us mean old atheists have prolly all kicked the bucket as everybody's so darn spiritual but you can't have everything I suppose.
21. Treatment for depression and mood disorders will come from a "control chamber" that emits sensory stimulation gently to the brain, including certain smells, which will elevate mood
Aside of the really badly chosen name (sounds like some sort of brain washing device for the NWO), not a bad idea necessarily.
22. Medicine in pill form goes away; instead we have air-injected delivery through the skin
Ok, good.
23. Atomic batteries will run cars
See my hovercraft-related comment above.
24. No more gas propelled rockets in space; we will have nuclear powered cylinder shaped objects that travel everywhere
Well woobedy doo then. Sounds like the airships in the old Finnish boys scifi adventures written by the late lamented Osmo Ilmari.
25. A moon base is created for people to visit, and as a stopping place for further trips
This at least should be doable, even without "nuclear powered cylinder shaped objects that travel everywhere".
26. By 2055 most people will live in domed cities due to poor atmospheric conditions
So not everything's gonna be flowers and spirituality then? Bummer :confused:
27. A virtual reality headset will stimulate brain waves so people can learn whole libraries of information within hours
Sounds good. Only, will I forget my mother's maiden name if I upload all that shit into my brain?
28. Giant fruits and vegetables will be grown in hothouse environments. The nutrients will be synthesized into a highly condensed injection
And the point of such being..?
29. Proteins are developed without animal meat, very powerful, builds immune system
Am all for this.
30. Addictions will be a thing of the past because of a brain stimulation, which eradicates all addictions, with no side effects
More fodder for the "control chamber", one assumes.
31. Execution for the death penalty will become a complete vaporization of the body
See my comment on the domed cities. Double bummer that there still is such a thing as death penalty.
32. No separate governments, one planetary government will form
I suppose that's possible if not necessarily very probable, see the comments about precidency and popes.
33. Great earth changes will occur and germ warfare will be used before the world finds peace. But eventually from all of the bad comes good. The pendulum will swing back to humanity and love
Let's say it together: "wooooooo!"
34. No world war is coming, but lots of civil disorder and small skirmishes. No nuclear holocaust
That's a relief even if I personally croack in a viral bombardment sometime in my future light cone.
35. Peace will last from 2050 until 2100, and then I see nothing beyond, which could mean "the end will come like a thief in the night."
Or maybe you "see" zilch and nada, and are just full of it.
36. Toward the end of things, the veil separating our world from The Other Side will thin, so much so that most people will see decease loved ones and speak with their Spirit Guides.
37. There will be many false prophets that rise up proclaiming to be Jesus on Earth, and try to lead people astray. We are already seeing this in the big rise of occultism.
38. People will again find Spirituality, not so much in organized religion, but in the spiritual brotherhood of coming together and finding their Temple within
See my comment on #33.
39. Four more comets will pass by before the end times
Just 4? Stargazers will be disappointed over the next 100 or so years...
40. Aliens will begin to show themselves in the year 2010, they will not harm us, they simply want to see what we are doing to this planet
One assumes they have already shown themselves but I'm still quite uncertain as to what UFOhead claims are of the "smoking gun" variety in this regard...
They will teach us how to use anti-gravity devices again, such as they did for the pyramids
Did we already say "wooooo"? I do believe we did.
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Re: Silvia Browne - The Next 100 Years Predictions

#4  Postby byofrcs » Dec 14, 2010 11:04 am

OK, that's America, what about the other 95% of the world's population ?. The ideal future for your typical 3rd world inhabitant would be enough water to be able to grow crops, enough crops to feed their family, and enough birth control to not have too many kids to start with and a stable and representative government.

Fraud and charlatan.
In America the battle is between common cents distorted by profits and common sense distorted by prophets.
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Re: Silvia Browne - The Next 100 Years Predictions

#5  Postby tnjrp » Dec 14, 2010 11:23 am

Well, there was something for the rest of there as well to be fair.

One might assume the very poorest folks will die in the bacterial wars and the bad weather... :dunno:
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