Insulting Islam

Abrahamic religion, you know, the one with the mosques...

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Re: Insulting Islam

#21  Postby Oeditor » Mar 08, 2010 4:58 pm

Of course they pussyfoot - they're far more likely to be attacked by militant Muslims than by militant Christians. There is also the fact that in the West Christians are, statistically, more common in the population and in the media and will give their co-religionists an easier ride. Not to mention that the Politically Correct brigade conflate religion with race and so prohibit any criticising of Islam.
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Re: Insulting Islam

#22  Postby Chinaski » Mar 12, 2010 4:23 pm

I recently hosted a debate with declared "moderate" and "progressive" Muslims at my school.


Severe anger, aggression, and verbal violence at the slightest sign of criticism directed either to the koran or the actions of certain Muslims.
"Some passages in the Koran call for violence against nonbelievers..."

Then there was the guy who said that men can have four wives because it's their right, but women can't have four husbands because she'd be a whore. And the guy who said that we couldn't criticize female genital mutilation because it was part of Muslim culture. And the guy who said that Muslim culture was more important than any other culture and was justified in using violence whenever it wants. And these guys called themselves moderate Muslims.

I feel extremely vindicated and do not regret my country's minaret ban at all.

Muslims in Europe do not want to be integrated. They live in walled-off, gated communities where generations of parents and children live in seclusion from the secular world whose social benefits they're taking advantage of, all the while actively working to undermine that democratic, post-enlightenment secularism that helps them so and offers to take them in, give them a chance to get good educations and good jobs so they can retire in relative wealth back home or in their local suburb in Berlin, Zurich, London or whatever. Integration in these conditions will not work- change needs to come from within. We cannot bring these people to adapt to mutual tolerance and healthy multiculturalism, they're hardwired against that. They need their own Enlightenment, something to do for Islam what Voltaire and co. did for Christianity. In the meantime, all the West can do is try to maintain its secular values by stopping the manifestation of Islamic culture (inevitably and irrevocably tied to religion) in any way possible. Ban the burqa, it represents Islamic misogyny. Ban the minaret, it represents Islamic fascism. Etc.
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